Official Watch & EDC Pocket Dump Thread.

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Special Hen
Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
Far East Okrahoma, USA
I asked a guy one day if he was going out to ring in the new year. He said, "hell no man. I'm a professional drinker. Tonight is when all the amateur drinkers go out."
I was that way in my stupid youth, booze was safe, but water? Never touched the stuff, my motto was anything that rots wood and rusts iron can NOT be good for you, it's not called the universal solvent for nuthin'.


Special Hen
Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
Far East Okrahoma, USA
I also have that same Randall but with a cocobolo handle.
This one is a Model 7-4 1/2 from the earliest 60s, carried by a legendary Korean war Army hero and later CIA operative who worked in Tibet, Vietnam, Africa, and Central and South America, he carried it until he hooked up with Bob Loveless in the very late 60s. Only a small portion of them show in the photo, but the front left side of blade near tip has about 18 gazzillion very light scratches from magnesium fire starter use, the agent specialized in training locals in counter-insurgency operations, air dropped in enemy territory (known to return knives for repair after leaving tip stuck in somebody), and also taught other operatives field survival skills, his tools of the trade often anything but military issue while crossing borders and posing as a wealthy German hunter or whatever, his handgun often a Colt 1903 with special hot SWC loads. The knife is a cherished possession of mine as I greatly admired the man, and both how and why I ended up with it.
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