OK! I finally get it about Obama

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
When he came into office, he promoted hope and change.
More jobs, more money, more whatever.

The job situation has steadily declined, the economy is in the tank, and we have socialism looking us in the face.........

After pondering all of this gloom and doom, I finally figured out that omama is going to come thru with his promises....

One of his campain statements was that he was a "citizen of the world" and would increase jobs. Little did I know it would not be jobs in the US, but jobs in other countries. I guess the "citizen of the world" statment is true???

Well, that has certainly came true with his administration approving the loan to Mexican offshore drilling and the loan to Brazil for offshore drilling in the term when there is a morotorium on drilling in the Gulf because of the spill.

What do we think about this??


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 1, 2010
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This administration is the most arrogant I have ever seen. Forcing an extremely liberal agenda down the throats of American people, even though clearly not with the support of the people, should be reason enough to prevent a second term. But it won't. Keep in mind that the health care plan won't start until after the 2012 election so if it bankrupts the country and ruins health care in our country it won't matter to them at that point. If anyone is breathing a sigh of relief because they have not attacked 2nd amendment rights you better think again. I would bet everything that they will attack those rights if given another term by the gullible American people. In fact, it won't surprise me to see them start right after the mid-term election depending on how that election goes. Obama and his coolaid drinkers will continue to damage this country based on their liberal ideology. Wake up peeps.

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