Many Turn Against ‘Sanctuary City’ Status–Tulsa, OK Becomes State’s First ‘Welcoming City’

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Special Hen
Apr 11, 2009
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The pope is a hard core, open borders socialist. (Open borders even though he protects himself with brick walls and armed guards.) Catholic "charities" is one of the biggest offenders re this invasion. I've heard they actually receive monetary compensation for their efforts. If true, then it's not a "charitable" action.

The united nations is a prime mover behind all of this. Decades ago I read a statement issued by whatever grade school dropout was head of the un for that quarter and it said that the un determined they were unable to raise the 3rd world to 1st world status. Therefore, in their quest to enforce equality and equitable around the globe, they were going to flood the 1st world with 3rd worlders and bring the 1st world to 3rd world status. I thought, "no way. That's preposterous. Americans will never allow it." Guess I was wrong.

The US has Lost its First-World Status​

I also remember reading how Americans were waking up to the anti-American sentiments behind the democRAT party mentality, and how that the democrats were going to hugely lose in future elections. One of their remedies was to destroy our borders and flood the USA with third world invaders, promising them free stuffs if they vote RAT. That, too, is working.
there will come a time when the free stuff isn't worth the price


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Mar 15, 2009
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@HillsideDesolate can explain what’s coming. It’s far from over and the anti Marxist argument is backed up by cries of bigotry and phobias.
It’s a no win for conservatives unless the game is played harshly. Conservatives don’t like playing that game so we lose inch by inch.
Reveille for Radicals
Das Kapital
Days of Rage


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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@HillsideDesolate can explain what’s coming. It’s far from over and the anti Marxist argument is backed up by cries of bigotry and phobias.
It’s a no win for conservatives unless the game is played harshly. Conservatives don’t like playing that game so we lose inch by inch.
Reveille for Radicals
Das Kapital
Days of Rage
The best way of saying it is the old adage, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

The leftist moves by incrementalism, and uses the law to protect themselves, until they get the power to usurp the law. Conservatives think that leftist are stupid, and leftist think that conservatives are evil, in fact the opposite is true. Believing in traditional ideals of God, nation and law and order it is difficult for the conservative yo understand the leftist mindset, he often thinks that they simply have bad ideas, or dont understand the political implications of that they are doing. Leftist know exactly what they are doing, they have even written it down and distributed it. The leftist does not practice politics they way we do, they are not motivated by self interest. For the leftist, who either lacks the concept of God or openly hates God, his politics are a religion. He believes in the false ideal of eglatarianism n in the same way you believe in Jesus Christ. He has his own saints and martyrs, Marx, Che, Trostky, George Floyd and the refrain "Rest in Power." The leftist will not be defeated with facts or logic.

Looking at this case, of a city suspending immigration law we have to understand why the leftist undermine laws. Dispute his outward belief of equality, fairness etc, the leftist actually seeks to create inequity and disorder. The leftist fosters poverty, crime, class divisions, racism etc to create unhappiness. He is seeking to create what is referred to as, revolutionary conditions," to create so many problems that they can only be fixed by a communist state. For example crime, the leftist allows crime to spiral out of controk. He proposes solutions such as gun control which means only criminals are armed. Eventually crime will get to the point that people are happy to have an armed commissar on every corner to ensure the power of the state.

Meanwhile conservatives fight amongst themselves and reach out "to the other side of the aisle." Since the conservative believes in the system he is unable to fight an enemy that works outside of it. The solutions to defeating communist tend to violate the conservatives ideals of God given rights and freedom of speech. The communist knows this and uses it to his advantage. Due to the collectivist nature of the leftist he excells at organizing, especially on the local level. His voice tends to resonate with the discontent. The conservatives being an individualist utterly fails when it comes to organization. This is why Trump populism scared the scrap out of the left. The right wing populist is nationalist, combining collectivism and right wing ideals. Further we need to understand that the leftist can not be defeated by fighting fair. Does a police officer fight fiat when confronted with a meth addled psycopath, no he pepper sprays him and kicks him in the dick.

An example. In Seattle we had a prominent local music promoter and bar owner who was very politically active and a strong proponent of gun control. Conservative activist Went out on weekends and put posters up stating to boycott his businesses because he was a bigot misogynist who took advantage of women sexually. The latter turned out to be true and women from the music scene restaurant industry began stepping forward with their stories. Turns out the guy was a rapist. He ended up selling his businesses and leaving town. Unfortunately charges were not field but he dis get buried in civil suita. The leftist is by nature a criminal so use it to your advantage. Prominent leftist are often involved in money laundering, drugs and sex crimes.

All I can say is this needs to be nipped in the bud as things will get worse and worse. After leftist get in power you will never see a fair election again.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
HOW can any government official, be they city, county, state, or federal, DICTATE RULES THAT BREAK THE LEGISLATED LAWS, IN A NATION RULED BY LAWS, NOT MEN? declaring a part of this country a sanctuary, where OUR LAWS DON'T APPLY, IS WHAT IS ILLEGAL, DON'T YOU THINK? They can only get away with this because we the American People let it slide, and don't CHALLENGE THAT IN COURT!


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Sep 22, 2009
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Another goody:

Democrats Circulate Plan to ‘Open the Floodgates for Palestinians’​

House and Senate Democrats are reportedly circulating a plan to fellow Democrats that would “open the floodgates for Palestinians” to arrive in the United States, according to a report from the Daily Caller.

Henry Rodgers of the Daily Caller reports that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) are lobbying fellow Democrats to sign onto a letter to urge President Joe Biden to provide Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) to Palestinians in the U.S.

Both TPS and DED would ensure that Palestinians cannot be deported from the U.S.

Those feck wads need to be jailed just for speaking that horse shite.
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