OK leftist law maker hid criminal from OHP in her office

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Special Hen
Nov 18, 2022
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Exactly, I saw this play out in real time. I remember when open communist first started running for office and talking about paying a visit to their organizing meetings. Most of my conservative friends blew it off with a "it will never happen" attitude. Well it happened... Oklahomans need to get a handle on this, it is an insidious ideology and at first it moves slow, creeping in to other aspects of like. "we just want pronouns is that so hard?" "we just want 'civilrights" "we are just asking for tolerance." "Let people have the freedom to live how they want." Once in power these things will not give it up, and remember that they hate everything about you, your Religion, your country, your family, your values and seek to punish you for the previewed sins in their toxic outlook. You need to understand that liberalism is not a political ideology, it is a religion and they have the dedication of zealots. This is less of a political battle and more of a spiritual war.

Yes, a trans muslim.person of color is like winning a gold medal in the Oppression Olympics. These people will use it to shield themselves from criticism, if you disagree with their idiot bile you are a transphobic racist bigot, and heaven forbid you be a white male. They see this perceived oppression as power, feigned weakness is their strength. What they deserve is to experience actually oppression, to quote the great political philosophers The Kinks, "Give the people what they want."

You forgot these people are more times than not Marxist which is like the cherry on top of the oxymoronic idea you can be a LTGBTQ Islamist .

If you don't understand where I am going here read up on what the commies did to the homosexual communities in countries they rule.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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You forgot these people are more times than not Marxist which is like the cherry on top of the oxymoronic idea you can be a LTGBTQ Islamist .

If you don't understand where I am going here read up on what the commies did to the homosexual communities in countries they rule.
If they had a functional understanding of history they would not be communist.

Most of this woke garbage goes back to both the Frankfurt school, and deliberate KGB programs designed work through the universities to destabilize the country by using critical theory to create division. With the collapse of the Soviet union the program kept running, but with no one at the wheel, leading to what we see today. The Soviets never planned to put these freaks in power, they planned to execute them when they were no longer needed.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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So, which Mosque does it attend? or is it a fake Muslim for its fifteen minutes of fame?
Most likely it read a book of Rumi's poems and a couple of cherry picked Koran verses and identifies as "Sufi" to get out of going to mosque. Neither the Shiitte nor the Sunnis will allow Sufis in their mosque. Regardless of sect It's very existence is in contradiction with Islam.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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I have a request. In order to keep reading comprehension at the highest level, can we as thread posters add a text italic or bold or color to IT's pronoun we use to refer to IT in our narratives in order to indicate we are referring to the person of the representative? I'm getting lost and confused with some posts and have to go back to re-read some. :anyone:

District 88

View attachment 355971


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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I don't know much about this except a clip on the local news but we don't need people representing us like this in state office or higher period. "It" committed a crime by hiding the guy in her/his office and should be removed from office. That is the problem, we have too many people like this in public office and when they are caught the system protects them and they continue their errant ways. New people that are somewhat honest come into office and see that they can get by with some "little stuff" and gradually they graduate to the big time like this character or worse. I'm assuming the (D) was a woman who is very misguided.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 7, 2012
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Edmond America
I never thought I would ever be quoting the Muslim holy book, but here it is: "

The most important and well-studied book on Islamic theology, the Creed of Imam al-Nasafi starts with the words:

“Things have fixed realities, and they can actually be known.”

We as Muslims believe that things do exist, that we can know what they are, and that neither their existence nor their nature are subjective, made up, or merely social constructs.

Thus we believe that boys are born as boys and then become men who are actually men. We also believe that girls are born as girls and then become women who are actually women.


Based on this object sense of reality that is set in stone by a real and existing creator, we believe that there is tremendous wisdom in each of us being either male or female and that being specifically male or female is in the emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual interest of all of us. It is not in the interest of us to mimic the opposite sex or try to change our gender.

It is out of genuine love and concern for us that the Prophet forbade in the strongest terms mimicking the opposite sex. [Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, and others] Changing gender is a whole other order of business.

In fact, it is so much to our disadvantage that our avowed enemy, the Devil has promised to make us change our birthright to be specifically male or female:

“‘and I will lead them astray, and I will tempt them with false hopes, and I will command them, whereby they shall slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them, whereby they shall alter the creation of Allah.’ Whoever takes Satan for a friend, instead of Allah, incurs an obvious loss.” [Qur’an, 4: 119]

Changing one’s gender is categorically forbidden because it constitutes changing the creation of Allah, following the Devil, and squandering one of the greatest blessings Allah has given us."
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