Oklahoma house OKs bill for permit free open carry

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The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
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What is wrong with a tactical thigh holster?
I hope this passes. I'm all for constitutional carry - it is a right. What I hope is people don't run around with guns hanging off of them, tactical thigh holsters, and an AR slung over the shoulder just to draw attention and create shock for the public. Those people are idiots and do not help the gun rights cause.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 18, 2008
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Deep down I think it is right, but I have seen some dolts buy guns before and to have them carry openly..... not good. If it does become law, I'm strapping on my shiny BBQ Vaquero.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
Some of the comments in this thread remind me of the thread where someone questioned a guy who was carrying a 1911 cocked and locked as to whether he was being reckless or not.
The visible cocked hammer frightened him whereas a cocked striker, that he couldn't see, did not.


Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Well why is this law not making the illegal carry of a firearm MORE embolden to do so because basically anyone carrying will not be suspect or questioned any more. Basically the lawless, illegals, and x cons can say "hey with everyone on the streets carrying now we can too and never draw any unwanted attention. As more people open carry law enforcement has far less motivation to question who may or may not be legal. For instance a traffic stop takes place. The law enforcement officer will not have any reason to question the firearm the thug, illegal, or other lawless individual has with them in open view. Also it puts the law enforcement officer in a HUGE disadvantage because he/she will confront sooooooooooooooooo many people with them in open view. The officer will be much more likely to be shot as soon as they approach because an auto stop or other situation there would be no reason to confront the perpetrator in the car. Hey I just can see a buttload more killings of law enforcement now because this just further complicates their situation.
Also, when I see someone oc in public I am most of us are learning to be a bit more comfortable because at least there is a decent chance the person has been through a cc course. With this law none of us have ANY idea if the op carry guy is legal or not.
this is one of the most idiotic posts I have ever read. You must be one of those that thinks just like the liberal democrats do. By your post, you do.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I remember all the same arguments about the blood in the streets and shootouts at the OK Corral from our Reps when CC was being debated back in '95, and I remember listening to the same arguments live in the House when OC was being debated. It was funny... same hyperbole, same arguments, same language.

It's been done all over this country. In spite of the fear, the complications have not arisen, not in anything approaching significant numbers.

I know ccrcboatz, he's not a weenie, and not a whiner. He's a good guy, we had a good convo after a ftf. I don't agree with him on this particular issue, not in the least, but he's still a good guy in my book. I can understand the concerns he has, and I am ALL FOR protecting our LEOs who risk their lives every single day. I am. But I also think that needs to be balanced with citizens' rights, and if LEO "safety" were the absolute 100% most important factor in the scenario, then OC and CC should be abolished, too, heck, all guns should be removed. But we don't. We balanced rights with freedom. And in this particular instance, with this particular right (OC, permitless), the facts have been proven elsewhere already. I don't think Oklahomans are significantly less law-abiding, or more dangerous by-and-large to law enforcement than the same slice of the population in Oregon, Virginia, Arizona, or wherever. Bottom line is, it's already been done. We've had this type of carry in some states for decades without significant problems, and some states with a LOT more problem of illegal immigration than Oklahoma.

As someone said above, illegal folks don't wanna attract any more attention than necessary by OCing a firearm.

Despite concerns, few problems arise with open-carry gun law
New Mississippi law sparked much debate

Similar stories abound.

Hell, there are 8 states now that have TRUE Constitutional Carry, with both Open and Concealed Carry allowed without permit, training or background check... do we see stories of such incidents? LEO's being killed there by people OCing? Or at all? Not really... do you think for a second the mainstream media and anti-gun crowd wouldn't be crowing those stats from the hilltops if incidents like that were on the rise? Of course they would, they would be trumpeting them in national ad campaigns, in every way they could. But those incidents are still as rare and ambiguous as they always have been. Yes, they happen, but the people who are likely to do such things are not concerned about laws, they don't follow the politics, and they are simply bad people all around. Good, law-abiding citizens are not going to be transformed into cop-killers by such a law change, and LEOs are not going to be LESS attentive to their own safety in such situations. I'm just saying, it's been done, the numbers hold up, there is no significant change. And if you look at things over time, as gun laws become more pro-2A, violent crime goes down.

According to opencarry.org, there are now 30 states where open carry is legal without a permit! Another 15 allow it with a permit. That's 45 states where OC is allowed!!!! I can't believe that, though I am happy as can be! And yet... how many stories do we hear of law-abiding people suddenly using their legally-carried firearms to instigate murderous incidents? Very, very few... self-defense? Yup. Absolutely. Murder? Mayhem? Rare as hens' teeth. It's just how it is. In spite of how uncomfortable it might make some people, the fact is, the majority of people are law-abiding.

crrcboatz, I respect you, and I respect your opinion. I agree that we should do whatever is reasonable to protect our law enforcement officers. But the bottom line is, in this particular instance, the argument you are using has already been used, and it's already been disproved all over this country. In 30 states other than Oklahoma. How much more preponderance of the evidence do we need before it is considered "safe" to restore the rights to Oklahomans that our Founding Fathers enjoyed and hoped to preserve for us? We're not subjects, we're citizens.


The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
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I wear one when I go riding on our hunting lease. Any other time I wear a OWB holster. I just think it is funny that people don't have a good argument other than they look stupid.
Or even a non-tactical thigh holster? Or for that matter the hammer loop on carpenter jeans?

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