Starting day 3 without power, and though it’s not fun, it’s also not horrible since we’re halfway prepared for it. I got an old window unit out of storage yesterday, so now we have an oscillating fan AND cool air. I had never used the burner on my grill until now, and I actually forgot how much I like cooking with gas. I also forgot what an electricity draw the coffee maker is. It worked fine yesterday but tripped a reset this morning, so it’s now on its own cord hooked directly to the generator. After the coffee is ready, I’m going to start rotating the 4 freezers again.
Fortunately, temps are only supposed to be in the low 80’s, so it shouldn’t be hard to keep the house tolerable.
Oncor is still saying Friday evening or Saturday for power restoration.
Y’all have a good day!
Fortunately, temps are only supposed to be in the low 80’s, so it shouldn’t be hard to keep the house tolerable.
Oncor is still saying Friday evening or Saturday for power restoration.
Y’all have a good day!