I sent my renewal application off to OSBI at the beginning of July, July 6 to be exact. I went over the whole application 5 or 6 times to make sure that I filled out everything, signed everything that I was supposed to, and that I did not fill anything out that I was not supposed to. Well today I get my application back with a letter telling me that my application had been rejected because "You did not sign under statements A-F on page 4 of the application." So I turn to page 4, look at statements A-F and low and behold there is a signature under them. On page 4 at the bottom there is a highlighted section. That section also requires a signature, but at the top of that box there is a statement that says "Sheriff's information for SDA instructors and new general applicants only-(to be completed by sheriff or sheriff designee only)" so I understand that statement to mean that renewal applicants need not sign that section. I will be calling them tomorrow to make sure, but now my license has expired and I am getting closer to that 90 day limit. I will let you all know what happens.