I understand your feelings; but be compassionate, mental illness is no laughing matter
Until the sick puke shoots up a school, then it is the gun's fault.
I understand your feelings; but be compassionate, mental illness is no laughing matter
Not to mention the price of tea in ChinaUntil the sick puke shoots up a school, then it is the gun's fault.
maybe he was worried about the .gov tracking his paperworkI just overheard a "first" for me. I was in Big Boys a couple of hours ago and a fellow who looked to be maybe in his early 50's was in the process of purchasing a handgun. He was talking to the guy behind the counter as asked, "If I check "non-binary" on the form and my DL shows "male" will that get it declined? I didn't have the option of checking "non-binary" when I got my DL"
I had to leave, I was afraid my snickering might get too loud.
It’s obviously Biden and/or Trumps fault.Not to mention the price of tea in China
"Do you have any M-16s to sell? I need an M-16 with a grenade launcher. There are haters out there! They hate U.S. marines! I'll put one of those grenades right on 'em!!".
Typical government mathematics.Yeah, but according to the 4473 there are 11!!!!