Browsing various classifieds, I came across a new in package leather strap and deployment clasp in 22mm. It's from a seller I've purchased Hamilton stuff before (WatchBandExpert). Went ahead and bought it. The red backing was a little much being as the Khaki Field has one drop of red on the seconds hand, but I knew it would be hidden on the wrist. Strap has a slight curve to the end links and heavy duty curved spring bars too.
Install took a few seconds and I have to say, I'm impressed. Leather is very supple. I worked it in around the spring bars and down for a few minutes and it conforms to my wrist well. The raised padded portion of the strap looks good in my opinion. Something different that a flat leather strap.
I absolutely love the Hamilton Deployment clasp. Strap tapers from 22mm to 20mm at the clasp. I think it was worth the benjamin.
Pretty sure I found my last strap for this Khaki Field I'll want.
Install took a few seconds and I have to say, I'm impressed. Leather is very supple. I worked it in around the spring bars and down for a few minutes and it conforms to my wrist well. The raised padded portion of the strap looks good in my opinion. Something different that a flat leather strap.
I absolutely love the Hamilton Deployment clasp. Strap tapers from 22mm to 20mm at the clasp. I think it was worth the benjamin.
Pretty sure I found my last strap for this Khaki Field I'll want.