Unfortunately for us, you are correct.The pussification of the American Male has been a goal of the Eastern Socialist since the Soviets. They had a plan, and it has worked.
Unfortunately for us, you are correct.The pussification of the American Male has been a goal of the Eastern Socialist since the Soviets. They had a plan, and it has worked.
democrats.How did we go so quickly from a country where dang near every boy had a .22,,,
To a country where just handling a weapon makes one ill.
Hollywood's involvement was/is a big influence. The famed Black List of the 40's and 50's found cockroaches running, hiding and finger pointing. Walt Disney was a finger pointer back then. Trying to create a diversion? Look what Disney productions does now. All this is not altogether much different than what our recent/current music industry does. Weakens from the inside out. Running, hiding, finger pointing, think Diddy and his list of associates. Songs of snuffin' cops, rioting, acceptance of illicit drug use and other unscrupulous behavior are definitely anti-American in my opinion. Even in the Beverly HIll's Cop movie from '84 they use humor as a way of introduction and acceptance (the Europeon hand bag/man purse). Remember the main character/student/teacher in that movie, Axel Foley, first questions then accepts the gay guys. Was even the name used (Axel Foley) a subliminal joke by Hollywood.The pussification of the American Male has been a goal of the Eastern Socialist since the Soviets. They had a plan, and it has worked.
Poland Makes Firearms Training Mandatory for Schoolchildren
Poland has become the first country in the European Union to require firearms training for all primary and secondary school students. The program rolled out in response to rising tensions in Eastern Europe, aims to prepare the nation’s youth for potential future threats as concerns about Russian...trendingamerican.com
Ironically every Polish person I have ever met has been really smart.Kind of clouds that dumb Pole lock stereotype.
Implementation here or just discussing the possibility would have libturd heads exploding.
Don't discount the common man and primarily farmers. Just look at our last election. Now read about Polish pilots in WWII. I believe there were several aces with exceptional kills but they didn't get official recognition because they were in borrowed/permitted British planes, only a very few were allowed to fly spitfires. The Brit's were a bit embarrassed that their planes were better flown by allies instead of their own countrymen. See the movie Mission of Honor (2018).Ironically every Polish
person I have ever met has been really smart.