Poll: 71% of Obama voters, 55% Democrats 'regret' voting for his re-election

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Jan 24, 2013
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And the results of this poll prove the media lies and the mass listen, no matter their education level. People want to believe there is utopia. Now that they see the truth and that reality, they regret voting for Obama.

Did you miss the part of the poll that if the election was held again today, only 10% of Obama voters said they would not vote for Obama again? And, I question any poll that fails to list their methodology. How many people were polled? How did the choose who to poll? What was the margin of error? At least I can't find it.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Not withstanding that the growth was paid for with debt, a lot of debt. The explosion of the national debt started with Reagan and supply side economics, or as Bush the Elder called it, Voodoo economics.

Here's a few things that Reagan also did.
1: Signed Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act requiring hospitals to treat uninsured people and illegal immigrants. He also doubled the size of medicare to pay for uninsured people.

2: Signed the Simpson-Mazzoli Act. An amnesty program that paved the way for 3 million illegal aliens to become U.S. citizens.

3: Negotiated and signed the Montreal Protocol treaty to phase-out of ozone depleting chemicals. Costing businesses billions of dollars.

4: Signed a bill that banned an entire class of firearms. Supported a bill that established many restrictions on firearms including a 7 day waiting period. Supported an assault weapons ban saying, "As a longtime gun owner and supporter of the right to bear arms . . . I am convinced that the limitations imposed in this bill are absolutely necessary."

5: During his administration, increased the debt to roughly three times as much as the last 80 years had done altogether.

6: Illegally sold weapons to a known terrorist country, a country that had taken Americans hostage.

7: Grew the federal government, significantly

If Reagan ran today, he would be called a moderate, at best.

You left out the turn and run policy after Beirut. Reagan had his faults for sure, and we should not tolerate the same traits in any leader regardless of their "party".

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Nobody even remembers that. Have you got a link? I think the left wing MSM just made that up.

I dont have to prove nuthin to you.

We may not agree on everything, but I agree 100% with this.

Ha, I dont think we have agreed on anything before this, well except on the second amendment, maybe.

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