Prayers needed...

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Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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I need yer prayers, OSA family.

My nephew and namesake was in a car crash late last night. He was just getting off work at 11:00pm from an oil rig back in the sticks of rural Hughes county. He had a blowout on his truck, lost control and hit a tree head on. He couldn't even call 911 because he was pinned inside the truck and his phone flew into the floorboard out of his reach, so he sat there, pinned in his pickup all night long until shift change this morning around 6:30am when one of the hands coming to work saw him and called for help.

He just got out of surgery at St. John's in Tulsa. He suffered a broken left femur (thigh bone) 3 or 4 broken ribs, a collapsed lung, a broken nose and jaw and a fractured wrist.

He's lucky.

Being skinny and scrawny (he's 19 years old, six foot tall and about 150 pounds soaking wet) maybe the only thing that saved his life. The fire chief was one of the first to respond with the JAWS and he said it looked like he bounced off the steering column upon impact. Usually a driver is impaled on the steering column and DRT.

Like I said...he's lucky.

So remember my nephew Devan Gore. He's got a long row to hoe.

Wow. Terrible. I will be praying for him.

I was just thinking about you earlier today. Take care of yourself, and let him know we care and are thinking of him.

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