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Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
yukon ok
I have bent my Z bar and bent it back and actually made it work better.
I have one made from some stiffff rod i had laying around also.

I take it it was the last station then.
I have a 12gauge shell box that has a few messed up rounds from loading in it, not worth even messing with fixing them at
this point for me.
Stuff does happen now and then.
Just nice to catch it when it does happen.
Sep 7, 2008
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Two causes. Either bullet seating crooked or crimp being applied before bullet is completely seated.

The exact reason why I seat and crimp separately. I realize you only have 3 stations with a Lee 1000. I have one too. I seat with no crimp then run them through a factory crimp die on my RockChucker. And expand that mouth just a little more so you can seat your bullet straight.


Special Hen
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Tuttle, OK
Over the 44 years I've been reloading, I have many times punched out primers and re-used them. I have also punched out all the primers that got inverted in seating and reused most all of them. A few crumbled due to tight pockets and were discarded due to that. Wear safety glasses and do it with a gentle push rather than jamming the ram up into the die. On a single stage like the rock chucker, I pushed the priming arm up to catch the primer as it came out. Not nearly the dark dangerous operation some would have you believe. I don't keep open containers of powder around when doing priming operations either. Of all the many thousands of primers I have seated over the years, I have crushed a number of them with crimped primer pockets, the primer arm not being quite all the way back into the ram and a variety of other reasons. Of all those, I have only had one go off. It will get your attention.


Special Hen
Jan 16, 2010
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
Reset my seating/crimping die and all is well.... I ran 125 rds through and all came out perfect...I had obviously to much crimp, surprising only a handful failed when the others came out fine..

I pulled all the bullets and retrieved my powder and the primer, I scraped the brass..

just to see how much of the crimp I could get out I reran the brass through the sizer and it smoothed it out but on two you could faintly see where the crimp was...

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