I will probably be banned again for saying so but Police Officers are fallible and should be held accountable when they intentionally violate citizens rights.
I don't think you will be banned for it. I agree that LEOs are not infallible and should be held accountable.
However, the biggest difference is in mentality. Some of us start discussions and critiques on this topic from the position that LEOs are human, most LEOs are doing their best, and that most still believe in the "serve and protect" mantra. Others start discussions and critiques from the position that all/most LEOs are pigs and are just out to screw johnny citizen and johnny citizen can do no wrong.
You often get different results depending on which perspective you start with especially when it comes to applying equal standards of behavior and individual responsibility to regular citizens.
In many cases, LEOs are expected to act like perfected models of constitutional law robots while the citizens they interact with get a pass for acting like clueless, law breaking, uneducated idiots.
Freedom comes with large doses of responsibility....we are losing the responsibility part while everyone runs around with a video camera demanding rights and freedom.