Pump shotguns…. Useless?

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Special Hen
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
Pump action 12 gauge is my main line home defense weapons. There’s a couple laying around the house.

Shotguns for home defense. Handguns for carrying outside the house. AR for recreation and social unrest SHTF type situations.
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Thirty-forty years ago, trying to train, shoot three shot drills, transitioning to three different IPSC targets with a ”tacticaled” out Rem 870 slide action, I either tired out or tried to move faster than my current skill level (at that time) would permit and short shucked the slide several times. Frustrating, realize now I needed an instructor. Other than low skilled operator error, pump/slide action shotguns will function with less maintenance, perhaps even neglect, from the owner/operator than similarly neglected autoloaders, I believe. My practice is to maintain them all according to the manufacturers manual guidelines. One reason to sell off your pump shotguns to fund an acquisition like a Beretta 1301, (which I greatly admire) is, not enough room in the gun safe for another long gun. Okay, two reasons, to generate the funds for the Beretta. Once or twice a year, I like to take pump shotguns out to the plinking range and wear myself out firing bird and buck shot rounds at plastic jugs and cans. Does me some good. Reminds me to lean into that butt, enjoy felt recoil.
My beretta 1200fp pushes me backwards but fires fast enough to have 5 hulls in the air at the same time. It will send a wall of buckshot down range all of a sudden like :)

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