Pump shotguns…. Useless?

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Jack Shootza 50

Special Hen
Oct 8, 2021
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Now that I have your attention and a few tail feather ruffled, I’m hoping to start a conversation about shotguns. Specifically, about differences in shotgun actions and their purpose.

I find myself wanting to sell my pump guns and use that money towards a beretta 1301 tactical. I don’t find I use them. They’re simply my “loaner guns” when I don’t have anything else to loan out. With me at least, my semi’s/double barrels are my primary hunting shotguns, and my pumps are all platforms with multiple barrels that I can loan out or keep short barrels on for special purposes. Mostly wasting ammo/having fun at the range or loaded with #4 buck to be used as close up coyote medicine.

In terms of utility, pump guns rule. You can have one pump gun, and any number of barrels available to swap at a moments notice. Slugs, home defense, birds, you have it all. But the rate of fire is slower than modern semi autos and even double barrel guns if you have a little practice. You’re much more likely to have jams than with a quality, well maintained semi auto or double barrel, simply because you add more human element to the function of the firearm. I feel that semi autos have their utility, and double barrels have their class. Where does that leave pump guns? What (other than money) is stopping you guys from selling your pump guns and going all semi/double barrel? I feel like I’m missing something (other than a beretta 1301) that is completely obvious.
I have a Rem 870 TAC I keep mostly for defense, my fav is a CZ 12ga double barrel coach gun (I originally used it for CAS) it is a riot to hunt varmints with, I use target loads to help tame the recoil, it only weighs about 6 3/4 pounds but is short and vary handy for quick shots, like walking thru a prairie dog town or walking down a trail that's infested with ground squirrel's dug into the banks.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 24, 2020
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Medicine Park, Oklahoma
Guess I’ll try my best to avoid VC tunnels and the 100 yard shots thing I just don’t understand. Maybe something to do with sights? That can easily get flipped and I could say rifle sights aren’t that conducive to a successful dove hunt either. Personally I think if you’re going to put one down over another you’re just being a bonehead. Semis, pumps, SXS, OU….they all have their place.


Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
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Ruffled feathers 🤣🤣🤣 are you new to guns, are you a liberal dem that needs logical advice ? You've come to the right place, only I'm not the right person. 🤣🤣🤣


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
I spent years without one. Some etaoin shrdlu stole all my long guns from hold baggage when Uncle Sam sent me to Germany late in 1991, and I didn't even find out about it until I got that baggage back in early 1996. Including a Mossberg 500 with pistol-grip stock and extended magazine tube. It was built for alleyways in Las Vegas, though I never had to used it for anything but plinking. Took about another 15 years to get something to sort of replace it. Marlin Model 120 with a full-choke 28" barrel, IIRC. It's been sitting here loaded with turkey shot for home defense. Houses here are a bit too close for buckshot.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
@dennishoddy I’m a big Model 12 fan. This old girl was made in 1947, the same year my mother was born so a grabbed it and restored it having it reblued while I did the wood work. It’s really my go to for trap/dove. When I got it, it was in pretty rough shape but darn thing turned out pretty nice even if I do say so myself. drat! Couldn’t find one after the bluing, I’ll see if I can take one in the morning if anyone’s interested 😉View attachment 304867View attachment 304868View attachment 304869View attachment 304872View attachment 304870View attachment 304871
Normally, my eyes are blue. Turned seriously green there for a moment, though. Beautiful work!



Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
Dang! That’s some beautiful wood on that buttstock and you did a great job restoring it.

Mine is a 1928 year model given to me because it had lock up issues. Found the issue, replaced the part and all was good.
Don’t have any before pics but the buttstock was broken and had an old piece of asbestos brake lining as a pad held on with a flat and Phillips screw.
Bought an unfinished stock from a place in Missouri and put 20 some coats of Birchwood Casey finish on it and had the metal rust blued which was what they did almost 100 years ago.
6 rounds in the factory tube and one in the chamber had it known as a poachers gun back in the day.
I’m not a good gun photographer but here it is. View attachment 304875
I spent ten years as a photographer for the USAF, mostly technical photography, rather than art, but I'd say you did a fine job on both the woodwork and the photography.
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
I am not worried about home defense situation I have hand guns for that if the need arises.
I hunt with my shotguns and I have 2 28" barrel pumps and neither will pattern the same.
My Browning A5 from 1924 does not pattern like either of those pumps.

I pick the one that will be used for the situation.
Pattern your guns if you plan to hunt with them.

I hate the word Tactical when it is stuck on a firearm.
Seriously it is just a shotgun and if ya like auto's and that particular one then by all means get it.
If you do not use the pump guns then sell them off.

I will probably just give all my guns to my kids.
They have a couple I gave them.
My A5 gets the most use though. And auto vs pump I did that years ago and I can get 3 rounds off from my pump by the time 5 rounds have been fired from the semi auto.
Just about to pull the trigger on round 4 when round 5 goes off in the semi.
So maybe that is 3.5 rounds to 5.

But that is not aiming at anything trying to hit it that was just racking/shooting as fast as you can.
The A5 shoots ammo just as quick as my 45acp's do.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Pump, semi, SxS

I love them all.

870 3" 12 is what I duck / goose hunt with, for 45 years. Total reliability. Cold, wet, muddy and it keeps working.
Just picked up a semi 12, 3 1/2", though.

I went to a shooting seminar, Dan Carlisle was shooting exhibition. Hand throwing 8 clay birds up and shooting them with a VERY OLD Mossy 500 12 ga.
Asked why the Mossy?
They had set up 5 steel plates on timers.
I shot 2.55 secs for 5 shots. Carlisle shot 1.66 secs. Very humbling.

Semi was too slow and he had been shooting that Mossy for 25 years.
The new Berretta / Benelli are faster. (claimed)

Which action is better?

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