My Great-Grandfathers spent their lives putting our ranch and farm together. When they died we paid Estate Taxes. Had to sell some fringe land off to pay it. My Dad died. No Estate Tax paid. Because he owed more money than he was worth. My Grandfather died in 1997. I have spent the last 15 years paying off the taxes. 500,000 bucks worth. I live in a 900 square foot home. Drove crap pickups and had junk for equipment. But, kept it all together. Now if things do not change. The family after me. More than likely will not be able to hold it together. So a maybe a hundred years or so. Depending on the Good Lord. Of cumulative hard work and sacrifice will be all for not. Just so the Government can screw it off. For who knows what. It is a most onerous tax. Most ranchers and farmers are "land rich and cash poor".