Re-use of Some Funky Brass

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Oct 9, 2012
Reaction score
All of it is irrelevant now.... I loaded some of the cases with 4895 and replaced the bullets. Still got the "click...boom". Kinda like shooting a flintlock. Guess the primers have gone/ar going bad. Oh well, I can pull the bullets and use 'em.


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
Yugoslavian, I believe. 177-178 grain bullets, some are copper, some are nickel finish.

Ah, there be your problem...they are probably 1950's era Yugo.

1940 Yugo was very nice and reliable ammo, and so was 1970's.

However, the 1950's had some primer issues, depending upon which factory produced it.

Some people said the primers were too hard, some said that they weren't seated deep enough and the firing pin not strike them hard enough.

Finally, someone posted a pic online showing a micrometer gauge measuring the primer depth, and they were seated a bit too deeply.

Perhaps the cup was drilled too deeply...who knows.

Anyway, it was common to have to recock the bolt, and double strike the primers.

Many of us replaced the bolt spring with a Wolf #22 pound spring, and that solved the problem.

Even if the firing pin barely dings the primer, it does it with enough force to detonate it.

I went from having to double strike on a regular basis, to never having to souble strike again.

Because the 1950's Yugo had a reputation, Century was selling it for .06 cents a round...shipped.

I bought about 6,000 rounds of it, it seeme like.

I run it through a CZ 98/22 mauser, by the way.

Hope this helps!

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