We already have many socialist programs social security, medicare, etc.).
How is SS or medicare a socialist program? I paid into both for all of my working life. SS 100% not socialists. Its determined by how many years of credits you have and how much you put in.
Don't participate in the SS program you don't get squat. I'm just getting my money back that the government forced me to pay, and they have stolen from it many times. One wonders how it has the potential to become insolvent, look right back at the congress that has stolen from it. The original concept was the worker puts in a buck, and the Government puts in a buck. The government has never contributed a dime to SS.
Medicare payments taken from our paychecks may not pay for the total care required in peoples golden years, but we can't put seniors into the ditch and allow the dogs and vermin to use them for fodder.
Medicare is a little different issue,