Scared the 💩 outta me

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 31, 2009
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We have lived in my current house 37 years killed maybe 6 scorpions in that time. Have killed like 25 this year wife got stung under a finger nail last week she hurt bad.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
It must be that we are just lucky. Wife and I have been married over 55 years, and maybe we've killed/encountered scorpions in our dwellings maybe 5 of them. Living in an RV with limited things touching the ground, I spray those ground-touching items every Spring with Spectricide Bug-Stop, and we don't have a lot of ants or spiders and absolutely no scorpions in the RV.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 11, 2022
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Tuttle area here and in 12yrs on this property I’ve never seen a single scorpion. We must not have the terrain for them right in my spot

However I’m waging a war on the brown recluses! They’re bad in my shop building. Really bad… I’m on a mission!

phase 1: quick sweep up then spray. Phase 2: deep clean, organize, throw away junk, declutter as best as possible, killing as many of the little demons as I find along the way (this phase is happening now)
Phase 3: after deep cleaning, hit ‘em with the spray, HARD. Strong stuff and hit every single crack and crevice. Set dozens of glue traps!
Phase 4: Reapply heavy spray after 1-2 weeks and reset glue traps

It started getting to point where anything left in one spot in the shop overnight had a damn fiddleback under it when you picked it up the next morning. The way the shop was built there is 4x8 sheets of plywood screwed onto the metal framing around the main area. It’s nice for hanging things and such, but I’m afraid it’s a dang fiddleback breeding ground back behind the plywood that I can’t access to eradicate.

It’s gonna always be a challenge but I aim to give ‘em hell this year

Glock 'em down

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Tuttle area here and in 12yrs on this property I’ve never seen a single scorpion. We must not have the terrain for them right in my spot

However I’m waging a war on the brown recluses! They’re bad in my shop building. Really bad… I’m on a mission!

phase 1: quick sweep up then spray. Phase 2: deep clean, organize, throw away junk, declutter as best as possible, killing as many of the little demons as I find along the way (this phase is happening now)
Phase 3: after deep cleaning, hit ‘em with the spray, HARD. Strong stuff and hit every single crack and crevice. Set dozens of glue traps!
Phase 4: Reapply heavy spray after 1-2 weeks and reset glue traps

It started getting to point where anything left in one spot in the shop overnight had a damn fiddleback under it when you picked it up the next morning. The way the shop was built there is 4x8 sheets of plywood screwed onto the metal framing around the main area. It’s nice for hanging things and such, but I’m afraid it’s a dang fiddleback breeding ground back behind the plywood that I can’t access to eradicate.

It’s gonna always be a challenge but I aim to give ‘em hell this year



Special Hen
May 3, 2013
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I, too, battle recluses in my shop and scorpions in the home. I've filled up an entire solo cup with scorpions I killed last summer. Haven't had as many this year, but we always check our shoes.

I don't know if I'll ever kill all the recluses. See them in the home on occasion, but kill 5-6 every time I spend a few hours in my shop... and that's without looking for them. They get the MAPS torch treatment. I'm probably responsible for there being so many as my shop has become a cluttered catch-all. Hopefully get time soon to clean it up again.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 11, 2022
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I, too, battle recluses in my shop and scorpions in the home. I've filled up an entire solo cup with scorpions I killed last summer. Haven't had as many this year, but we always check our shoes.

I don't know if I'll ever kill all the recluses. See them in the home on occasion, but kill 5-6 every time I spend a few hours in my shop... and that's without looking for them. They get the MAPS torch treatment. I'm probably responsible for there being so many as my shop has become a cluttered catch-all. Hopefully get time soon to clean it up again.
My shop had become quite cluttered as well. Clutter creates more recluse habitat obviously. I’m going through several years of neglect right now.

Brown recluse spiders are about the worst bug ever, in my opinion. The females find nooks and crannies to make nests. They can live for up to one year with no food! They’ll hide out for months and months just hatching babies by the hundreds. Eventually they take over areas entirely in a full blown infestation. They’ll cannibalize each other for food. They literally become a self sustaining colony.

If you see them frequently it means they’re probably thick where you can’t see. If you see tiny ones that’s a bad sign as well. Seeing babies indicates successful breeding happening in the unseen areas.

It’s typically juveniles and males that are spotted running around. They’re more active than the females who tend to stay secluded and make nests/egg sacs

Sorry for all the spider rambling… but I’m no kidding in war with them right now and I’ve been reading all about them. I aim to destroy as many of the bastages as I can!

Declutter, clean, spray, glue traps, repeat

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