Snuck outta the house when I was in junior high going to go down the road and TP a house. I slid down a pole on our carport and ran over behind a tree to wait on my buddy. I put my hand down on the ground and got bit twice(still have the 4 little holes). I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE! Couldn't shimmy back up the carport pole so had to wake up parents. I was crying and thought my hand was gonna fall off. I think it's either a cut onion or potato you put on the bite to take out the venom.
If you want/need to get rid of them, you can use Bifen LP granules(Talstar generic). I sprinkle some of this around our bunkhouse to keep them out. Glue traps on the inside in case come in from somewhere else. Combination of these has worked very well.
If you want/need to get rid of them, you can use Bifen LP granules(Talstar generic). I sprinkle some of this around our bunkhouse to keep them out. Glue traps on the inside in case come in from somewhere else. Combination of these has worked very well.