Sh*t just got real

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Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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I think it boils down to Obama, he destabilized nearly every Midwestern country and then he headed for Syria to establish his caliphate, the muslim brotherhood-incidentally some reside in our white House. He wants Assad removed and has been funding the Syrian rebels, ISIS and Al-Quaida in an effort to overthrow Assad. So far Obama has been a dismal failure b both her at home and in his attempts to oust Assad. Assad wasn't bother the United States, he wasn't bothering anyone that I know of but he was allowing Christians to live in peace within Syria.
Then along come Obama and his multiplicity of faces and tried to overthrow Assad. Christians were being beheaded right and left, their homes and those of other muslims were destroyed and he golfed or campaigned while others died. Then ISIS claims responsibility for blowing a Russian airliner out of the sky killing all passengers so Russia is involved. Then came the Paris stadium blowout in France and they are involved. Between Russia and France decided to attack ISIS and in a few short weeks have done more to curtail ISIS than the United States has done in nearly eight years.
Now Obama is blowing smoke again and telling Russia to lay off because he wants Assad out and the two nations that were attacked aren't going to stop until ISI is a shadow of it's former self. Obama isn't on anyone's side but the Syrian Rebels, ISIS and muslim brotherhood. Whether it expands to a WWIII only God knows because we sure don't know much about what is happening except what the media tells us. Im for letting Russia and France duke it out with ISIS, they are doing the job so far and don't need our help.

I would buy this IF I thought Obama was smart enough. I don't think he is.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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I would buy this IF I thought Obama was smart enough. I don't think he is.

He may not be smart enough but for sure, he is evil enough. He has a black heart, and I don't mean ethnic-wise, he is no cleaner than ISIS or A-Quaida. No true American would do what he has done and intending to do to this country but, that's another topic.
He most likely is getting his ideas from Vivian Jarret or the other muslims within the White House.


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2011
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Warr Acres
I think it boils down to Obama, he destabilized nearly every Midwestern country and then he headed for Syria to establish his caliphate, the muslim brotherhood-incidentally some reside in our white House. He wants Assad removed and has been funding the Syrian rebels, ISIS and Al-Quaida in an effort to overthrow Assad. So far Obama has been a dismal failure b both her at home and in his attempts to oust Assad. Assad wasn't bother the United States, he wasn't bothering anyone that I know of but he was allowing Christians to live in peace within Syria.
Then along come Obama and his multiplicity of faces and tried to overthrow Assad. Christians were being beheaded right and left, their homes and those of other muslims were destroyed and he golfed or campaigned while others died. Then ISIS claims responsibility for blowing a Russian airliner out of the sky killing all passengers so Russia is involved. Then came the Paris stadium blowout in France and they are involved. Between Russia and France decided to attack ISIS and in a few short weeks have done more to curtail ISIS than the United States has done in nearly eight years.
Now Obama is blowing smoke again and telling Russia to lay off because he wants Assad out and the two nations that were attacked aren't going to stop until ISI is a shadow of it's former self. Obama isn't on anyone's side but the Syrian Rebels, ISIS and muslim brotherhood. Whether it expands to a WWIII only God knows because we sure don't know much about what is happening except what the media tells us. Im for letting Russia and France duke it out with ISIS, they are doing the job so far and don't need our help.

Kinda like Jr. got us involved in Iraq? Pretty sure Saddam wouldn't have put up with Isis.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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A new angle on the Turkish-Russian dispute

I've been wondering whether there aren't hidden reasons behind Turkey's shoot-down of a Russian strike aircraft earlier this week. The Russian plane was bombing Turkmen rebel positions just inside Syria - and the Turkmen have traditionally been supported by Turkey.

Now comes this news.

In May, the Cumhuriyet paper published what it said were images of Turkish trucks carrying ammunition to Syrian militants.

The images reportedly date back to January 2014, when local authorities searched Syria-bound trucks, touching off a standoff with Turkish intelligence officials. Cumhuriyet said the images were proof that Turkey was smuggling arms to rebels in Syria.

The government had initially denied the trucks were carrying arms, maintaining that the cargo consisted of humanitarian aid. Some officials later suggested the trucks were carrying arms or ammunition destined to Turkmen kinsmen in Syria. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggested the same recently saying: "what difference would it make if they were carrying arms?"

. . .

Prosecutors launched an investigation into the journalists after Erdogan threatened legal action against Dundar for publishing the images and said he would not let the issue go.

His comments prompted the media watchdog Committee to Protect Journalists to call on Erdogan to stop "bullying journalists ... just because he doesn't like what they report."

There's more at the link. The journalists have just been jailed because of their report.

If Turkey was supporting the Turkmen in Syria with arms shipments, and Russia was bombing those same Turkmen - and/or trying to interdict those arms shipments - it would provide an entirely new perspective on why the Russian jet was shot down, wouldn't it? And it would explain Russian anger as well.

Turkish President Erdogan is an autocratic fundamentalist Muslim, who has his own set of priorities and arrogantly disregards or rejects any criticism from anybody. Russian President Putin is not exactly backward in coming forward, either. Things might get rather interesting in that part of the world . . . Real. Soon. Now.

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