The "Gimme Generation" - Warning! Rant ahead

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Special Hen
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
Verdigris, OK
Be thankful that you have a job.

I deal with lots of people on a daily basis. Most of whom are injured and in some way just kind of pissed off. A lot of times they focus that frustration on my staff and me. Unless they are completely unreasonable, I don't mind. I am happy to have the business.

Some of you all need to heed your own advice and display some of your own personal responsibility. You guys CHOSE your fields of work. Probably pays better than a lot of jobs. Either deal with it or go find something new.

JB, you are funny....I think I'll be a lawyer


Feb 13, 2011
Reaction score
My problem with what is actually MY generation being as I'm 25 is that nobody believes in having a skill. From the cradle to the end of high school we were hammered with "Bluecollar workers are scum and you need a degree to make money so you don't have to be blue collar"

Funny enough I have a degree and work as a blue collar man making twice as much as my white collar counterparts that believe physical work is beneath them. When I'm 40 I'll be in the office but until then I'm going to make sure I am earning myself a retirement. It amazes me how most people under the age of 30 can't swing a hammer or turn a screw without some kind of explicit instruction on how it's done. Life isn't built by IKEA you may actually need to have some mechanical aptitude.

We are in a world of hurt 10 years from now when the current skilled generation retires because there is nobody to take their place. I mean how many machinist do you know that are under 40? Probably very few, or if they are they can't do manual machining without a computer controlled system. It's ridiculous. I don't know how many people I have run into since high school that work in a call center or something of that nature because their business degree is worthless but they still think they are better than me because I work in the sun. Little do they realize I own my home, and can almost guarantee my bank account balance is higher than theirs. But they still see me as someone who should pump their gas because Im not "white collar"

Damnit I feel so old for being only 25.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
dowmace said:
My problem with what is actually MY generation being as I'm 25 is that nobody believes in having a skill. From the cradle to the end of high school we were hammered with "Bluecollar workers are scum and you need a degree to make money so you don't have to be blue collar"

Funny enough I have a degree and work as a blue collar man making twice as much as my white collar counterparts that believe physical work is beneath them. When I'm 40 I'll be in the office but until then I'm going to make sure I am earning myself a retirement. It amazes me how most people under the age of 30 can't swing a hammer or turn a screw without some kind of explicit instruction on how it's done. Life isn't built by IKEA you may actually need to have some mechanical aptitude.

We are in a world of hurt 10 years from now when the current skilled generation retires because there is nobody to take their place. I mean how many machinist do you know that are under 40? Probably very few, or if they are they can't do manual machining without a computer controlled system. It's ridiculous. I don't know how many people I have run into since high school that work in a call center or something of that nature because their business degree is worthless but they still think they are better than me because I work in the sun. Little do they realize I own my home, and can almost guarantee my bank account balance is higher than theirs. But they still see me as someone who should pump their gas because Im not "white collar"

Damnit I feel so old for being only 25.

^^ This.

Also it peeves me off how some jackwagon with a bachelors or masters think they are so damned smart. In my experience those have been some of the dumbest, most helpless people. There are many different ways to earn a really good living and they don't all go through college.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Sounds about like my shift last night in the ER. Society has completely lost its mechanism to cope.

That PART of society never had a mechanism to cope with. The people you see in ER ... those are the kids of the people who used to show up at my dad's vet clinic wanting pain pills for a dog that was hurt. Too hurt for them to bring into him and they were sure it would get well eventually, poor thing just needed something to "tide it over". They are the kids of the same people who parked in the back of the bar I worked at so the cops wouldn't see the kids in the car sleeping while they came in "for a quick one".

Those kinds of behaviors are learned. We all known good folks who've had kids who turned out bad through no fault of the parent. We've all known folks who should never have been allowed to breed have kids who turned out to be really good people and assets to society. You can't just the rest of the world by the one (or 12 people). If you do, you'll just wind up saying to yourself "WTF is wrong with people?" way too much. ;)

Seriously though, while it seems to us old folks society in general has taken a turn for the worse, there are still some great folks out there -- a lot of them half my age. I see them all the time. Granted I see the other kind too, what do you do? Those kinds of folks have been around forever. They aren't going anywhere anytime soon. But then again, neither are the good, hard-working kids. I just tend to ignore those that irritate me and focus on the kids that bring a smile to my face.

Some of you guys need a drink and a errr, ahem, well ... "round of rowdy round robin" ... and a good night's sleep! :D


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
My problem with what is actually MY generation being as I'm 25 is that nobody believes in having a skill. From the cradle to the end of high school we were hammered with "Bluecollar workers are scum and you need a degree to make money so you don't have to be blue collar"

Funny enough I have a degree and work as a blue collar man making twice as much as my white collar counterparts that believe physical work is beneath them. When I'm 40 I'll be in the office but until then I'm going to make sure I am earning myself a retirement. It amazes me how most people under the age of 30 can't swing a hammer or turn a screw without some kind of explicit instruction on how it's done. Life isn't built by IKEA you may actually need to have some mechanical aptitude.

We are in a world of hurt 10 years from now when the current skilled generation retires because there is nobody to take their place. I mean how many machinist do you know that are under 40? Probably very few, or if they are they can't do manual machining without a computer controlled system. It's ridiculous. I don't know how many people I have run into since high school that work in a call center or something of that nature because their business degree is worthless but they still think they are better than me because I work in the sun. Little do they realize I own my home, and can almost guarantee my bank account balance is higher than theirs. But they still see me as someone who should pump their gas because Im not "white collar"

Damnit I feel so old for being only 25.

One of the better posts I've seen in a while - kudos to you, brother.

I've been trying to explain the coming shortage of skilled workers to my wife, but she insists that the "boys are going to college", no matter what. I say let them find their path, and I'll help them get there. A well paid electrician is much better than an accountant waiting tables.

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