Alright for those of you who have read The Walking Dead series before the TV series aired, you will have noticed it is quite a bit different from the comic, it does stick with the basic story but alot of things are different.
Things I noticed:
Shane and Lori are way more coozy in the TV series than in the comic, way way more coozy. Comic it was a one night stand that Lori instantly regretted vs very willing and doing the dirty dirty in the woods at the beginning of the 2nd episode.
Introduction of a human villian very early on in TV series vs several issues before they found the prison and trouble surrounding that place.
Also I seriously doubt Rick will loose his hand in the TV series and I also doubt Lori will meet her fate, nor do I think TV series will kill off most of the survivors like the comic has. The comic is too dark/too real for general TV audiences which is why I think they have way more people in the camp and in Atl than the comic did, those people are just filler to keep the main characters alive, while they die off. Also I read where Darabont will introduce Michonne in the 2nd season.
Alright for those of you who have read The Walking Dead series before the TV series aired, you will have noticed it is quite a bit different from the comic, it does stick with the basic story but alot of things are different.
Things I noticed:
Shane and Lori are way more coozy in the TV series than in the comic, way way more coozy. Comic it was a one night stand that Lori instantly regretted vs very willing and doing the dirty dirty in the woods at the beginning of the 2nd episode.
Introduction of a human villian very early on in TV series vs several issues before they found the prison and trouble surrounding that place.
Also I seriously doubt Rick will loose his hand in the TV series and I also doubt Lori will meet her fate, nor do I think TV series will kill off most of the survivors like the comic has. The comic is too dark/too real for general TV audiences which is why I think they have way more people in the camp and in Atl than the comic did, those people are just filler to keep the main characters alive, while they die off. Also I read where Darabont will introduce Michonne in the 2nd season.