i agree, its a simple gas can, if ya cant make one thats simple, either quit or make something else.
I dont think they should be responsible for certain stupid injuries but then im not on that jury.
Well. the simplest, and best, gas can ever manufactured are the new GI fuel cans manufactured in Canada. However, you cannot have one as all gas cans must be CARB compliant. What is CARB, you ask. Why, that's the California Air Resources Board. Wait,wut, California, you say. Why, yes, California now tells the rest of the country what gas cans are good for them to use. How is that possible, you ask. Well, the FedGov Clean Air Act says that California was first to make rules on environmentally, but maybe not personnel, safe fuel cans so all the sheep must comply.
However, you can buy those illegal cans in Canada for 20CAD. Just don't bring them here. I guess the Canadians have different air....
BTW, you can thank Ronald Reagan, El Supremo Conservativo, for CARB.