totally creeped out!!

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Was heading back to my girlfriend's house after her little sisters game when she told me about some weird stuff that happened in the woods around the OG&E power plant.

Her and her friends said that some satanic cult periodically hangs out back there and does animal sacrifices. Her little sister said her friends found a dead dog wrapped in a tarp that was freakishly killed. She also said that one of her guy friends was hunting back there with his dog and lost him some how. He came back the next day and found him skinned and hanging from a tree.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Was heading back to my girlfriend's house after her little sisters game when she told me about some weird stuff that happened in the woods around the OG&E power plant.

Her and her friends said that some satanic cult periodically hangs out back there and does animal sacrifices. Her little sister said her friends found a dead dog wrapped in a tarp that was freakishly killed. She also said that one of her guy friends was hunting back there with his dog and lost him some how. He came back the next day and found him skinned and hanging from a tree.

Not sure I'd be able to recognize my dog skinned... maybe approximate size and weight, but that's pretty hardcore. All these stories I hear are always 2nd/3rd/4th-hand, too. Haven't met anyone who actually reports THEY were the one who saw these kinds of things.

Well... no one I'd consider credible, anyways. ;) Not saying they're not out there, just that I haven't met them. :D


Special Hen
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
I was 14 or so. Dad and I were out hunting with a friend one weekend. Dad and I were up on a ridge, not too far from camp, facing opposite directions when a buck walked right up on us. Dad alerted me to the opportunity, but I wasn't clear for a shot. He takes it, BANG the deer goes to the bottom of the hill. We head down to check out the situation. We decided to go get the truck and load the deer up since it was so close to camp instead of dragging it out. Shortly after we got to camp our friend appears out of the woods having heard the shot. We all head back to load the buck.

Now here's where we got the creeps. Within the few minutes we were gone, something had eaten a significant chunk of the deer's hindquarters. We all suspected that whatever it was is still in the immediate area and watching us load up its dinner. We had the creepy feeling of being watched even though we didn't see any predators. Needless to say, we expeditiously extracted the buck back to camp. Dad and I had seen an unusually large wolf at day break the previous morning. We suspect it was him or something of similar size to have done such damage within that short amount of time.

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
I think I have shared this story somewhere on here before, but here it goes again.

I was 5 or 6 and I was in the back of my mom's car. We were going home after my Christmas play. In the car were my brothers, my mom driving, and my aunt in the passenger seat. We lived in Newalla/Stella on 138th at the time and I attended Little Axe Elementary. We were taking Harrah-Newalla Road home and when traveling north on that road there's a cemetery on the east side of the road as you're coming up to 138th. Some of you from the area probably know which cemetery I'm talking about.

Well, it was night time and there were a few other cars out on the street. As the car in front of us was coming up to pass the cemetery entrance, this cloud of dust blew through the closed gate, down the short drive, and towards this person's car. What was creepy is that this cloud of dust looked just like a guy riding a bicycle. We all saw it, thought the same thing, and I know the driver in the car in front of us thought the same thing because they swerved away from it as it if really were a guy on a bike. This was a small cloud of dust, so it's not like the driver was avoiding driving through a blacked-out dust storm. When it got to the road it turned with the flow of traffic and kept on the line just like a cyclist would and I remember watching us pass it right outside my window, it still looked like a guy riding a bike.

Now, I'm not sure I believe in ghosts, but I know what I saw and I tell the story with full confidence. I might question myself if it weren't for the car in front of us swerving away from it. I can't remember if it was windy out, but it might explain why this small cloud of dust, which coincidentally took the shape of a guy on a bike, blew through the gate and got caught in the wind of traffic. I remember being really scared of it, though, especially afraid of it following us home since home was right around the corner and it saw me looking at it.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, TX
When I was in college my roomate had what they call night terrors. It is when you have a nightmare but you get out of bed and act it out for real but you are totally unaware of being awake. He would play WOW for, I am not exaggerating, in excess of 12 hrs a day sometimes and I think he may have been dreaming that he was in the game.

One night he was laying in bed and he started yelling in his sleep, he leaped out of bed and ran over to his desk and pulled the chair out and looked all around underneath as if he was looking for a mouse or similar small rodent. Then he crawled rapidly along the line of his dresser, our fridge, my dresser, then to my desk where he ripped the chair away and again looked fervently under the desk as if chasing something small. The whole time he is making these deep groans and short yells. Then he stands up and the groans and yells ended, I thought he was done but he goes to our room door and opens it and looks left and right down the hall way. Closes the door takes two steps back in and then slowly spins back and "sneaks" back to the door. Cracks it open again puts just his head out this time and slowly looks left and right again. Then slowly closes the door and slowly walks over to my bed where I lay on my stomach with my head turned toward the center of the room watching him with one eye open. I was trying not to breathe hard but I swear my back must have been rising and falling like I just got done jogging, I was freaking the ____ out. He stood at the edge of my bed and just looked at me for probably like 20-30 seconds but it felt like minutes. Finally I was so creeped out I had to say something so I said "Nate, are you alright man?" His answer was a calm, casual "never better". After saying that he casually takes the two paces back over to his bed and falls right back asleep, like gets in bed and his head hit the pillow and he didn't toss or turn or nothing. It was instantly back to full-blown sleep.

I think it goes without saying that I did not sleep a wink that night. I asked him the next afternoon if he recalled being up last night and of course he had no idea. I told him what happened and he apologized over and over and I could tell he was embarrassed about it but holy balls if that wasn't possibly the most creeped out I've ever been in my 25 years of existence. He was on medication for it but apparently it ran out and he hadn't gotten around to refilling it.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
When I was in college my roomate had what they call night terrors. It is when you have a nightmare but you get out of bed and act it out for real but you are totally unaware of being awake. He would play WOW for, I am not exaggerating, in excess of 12 hrs a day sometimes and I think he may have been dreaming that he was in the game.

One night he was laying in bed and he started yelling in his sleep, he leaped out of bed and ran over to his desk and pulled the chair out and looked all around underneath as if he was looking for a mouse or similar small rodent. Then he crawled rapidly along the line of his dresser, our fridge, my dresser, then to my desk where he ripped the chair away and again looked fervently under the desk as if chasing something small. The whole time he is making these deep groans and short yells. Then he stands up and the groans and yells ended, I thought he was done but he goes to our room door and opens it and looks left and right down the hall way. Closes the door takes two steps back in and then slowly spins back and "sneaks" back to the door. Cracks it open again puts just his head out this time and slowly looks left and right again. Then slowly closes the door and slowly walks over to my bed where I lay on my stomach with my head turned toward the center of the room watching him with one eye open. I was trying not to breathe hard but I swear my back must have been rising and falling like I just got done jogging, I was freaking the ____ out. He stood at the edge of my bed and just looked at me for probably like 20-30 seconds but it felt like minutes. Finally I was so creeped out I had to say something so I said "Nate, are you alright man?" His answer was a calm, casual "never better". After saying that he casually takes the two paces back over to his bed and falls right back asleep, like gets in bed and his head hit the pillow and he didn't toss or turn or nothing. It was instantly back to full-blown sleep.

I think it goes without saying that I did not sleep a wink that night. I asked him the next afternoon if he recalled being up last night and of course he had no idea. I told him what happened and he apologized over and over and I could tell he was embarrassed about it but holy balls if that wasn't possibly the most creeped out I've ever been in my 25 years of existence. He was on medication for it but apparently it ran out and he hadn't gotten around to refilling it.

Stealth mode on. Both trunks had no treasure. Door not trapped. Detect trap in hallway. Fail disarm. Leave. Return to doorway. Detect trap in hallway. Fail disarm. Leave. I'll go talk to the guard, he used to be an adventurer like me. May have hit an NPC bug, NPC is not popping up chat box. Oh there it goes. Pizza! Quicksave.


Special Hen
Sep 22, 2011
Reaction score
I was about 10 or 11, living in southeastern Ohio at the time. Older house - maybe 80 years old at the time.

About 0130 or so, I woke up for some reason. i lay there for a bit, trying to go back to sleep. Then I heard our old oak dining room table creak, as it did whenever (and only when) someone walked past it. heard it again a minute later. Started panicking, and couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. A minute or two later, I heard the stairs creak as though someone was coming up, then stopped and went back down. This went on for about ten minutes before I finally screwed up the courage to do something.

I couldn't go the normal route to my parent's room, as that would take me past the steps, and whoever was in the house would see me. Couldn't go the back way, as that led through my brother's room, and he always closed the doors tightly.

Spent another five minutes working myself up to run to my parent's room, finally waking me dad up.

He went downstairs for about ten minutes and found nothing, and no signs anyone had been in there.

To this day I'm not sure what I heard: an old house settling a little, or a nocturnal paranormal visitor.

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