Sure. Here's the pdf for the SDA booklet they will cover in class. There is ALWAYS some goober who monopolizes class time with "high speed, low drag" scenarios so he can stroke his own ego, so it will certainly help her to study the material beforehand.
Here's the link to the online application:
It should be pretty self-explanatory. The class is 8 hours long -- half of it classroom instruction, that will cover the information in the booklet. The other half is the shooting portion -- it will involve shooting 50 rounds, 10 rounds at a time. She will need to demonstrate safe gun-handling and will need to be familiar with how to her gun functions and the basics of markmanship.
You would be shocked at how many times I had to deal with people attempting to load the bullets BACKWARDS in the magazine, the magazine BACKWARDS in the gun, and had no clue how to grip their gun, find their sights or were shocked when they experienced the recoil from their gun. Please don't let the first time she fires her gun be at that SDA class. She will be stressed out as it is. Not knowing how her gun works or how to find the sight and fire at a target will just make it all so much worse.
The shooting portion of the class is NOT to see how good a marksman she is. It is so she can demonstrate to the instructors that she is familiar with the SAFE handling of a firearm. Nothing more, nothing less. It is basically impossible to flunk this portion of the test. All she needs to do is follow the instructors directions and to keep her gun pointed down range at all times.
I've trained with a couple several guys here in the City, and at USSA in Tulsa. My husband has trained with instructors here in OKC, Mike Seeklander, Bobby out in Grandfield and at USSA. I believe he has been at firearms training with Marshall Luton (TDSA) but I'm not sure if it was a class open to the public, or if it was in association with his CLEET stuff when he was with OHP.
I can tell you neither of us were particularly happy with the training we paid for here in OKC, except for a couple of guys who are now retired from training. I'm not naming names because the firearms community is extremely small and every instructor has his share of retreads who rabidly defend their favorite instructor's training tactics and I'm not interested in dealing with the BS.
Thanks so much, Annie. You've been very helpful. She has fired the gun before and can operate it generally. I don't think basic loading, unloading, and use will be a problem for her. I have not seen her shoot. So I haven't had an opportunity to assess her gun handling proficiency. She has never carried, worked from a holster, or taken formal training.
TDSA appears to offer two courses that may fit. One is a ladies only class that is mostly classroom and doesn't require your own equipment. The other is a 2-day, 1k rnd course where you need all your own gear, etc.
I was hoping for something in between. I don't think she has an adequate holster or equipment for the two day class. I will find out more about what they have (or have her find out) or maybe just recommend to her the more basic class as a good starting point.