Transmission went out

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Dec 8, 2015
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Lincoln county
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Might need a good flush. Shifting solenoid probably stuck or dead. Sometimes you can flush them and get them unstuck.
Like someone else said, just don't park where you have to use reverse.

I drove a Chevy Luv without a starter for about a year when I was young and could push it on level ground.
It was a Manual Transmission.
I think it made me more aware of what kind of terrain I was in. Always park on a slope.
Then one day I got an extra $40.00 and changed the starter.
Was no big deal when I was 20 years old and single. Coors and Marlboro's were the priority.
Some additive to dissolve the crud may be in order.
My old 82 Bronco started slipping. It had over 300K miles on it.
Put some Lucas tranny additive in it, drove for a few miles and nothing changed.
Put it on the fence for a month, finally posting a sale ad.
Some guy wanted it. When they showed up, there was not enough fuel to get it where they wanted to drive it, slipping and all. They left to get fuel.
Fired it up to put it on the driveway. In the 200 yard drive, felt a clunk and it started driving without slipping.
Honored the steal deal and they drove it away.

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