Sorry, just saw your post #5 about your setup.
Dry cat food in a z-trap or Duke, both dog proof coon traps, can buy on line or about any sports/hardware store. Makeithappen uses the same. I kill every one of them either .22 short to the head or shovel to the head.Coon are a nightly occurance on both of my cameras and food plots. Big fat ones and will typically see 4-6 just on the narrow focus of the pictures taken.
Can you give a bit more detail on the traps and setups youre using? Are you dispatching them once caught or....? If so, what are you doing with the dead ones? Throwing them in a ditch on the property and letting the yotes take care of them? On my 45 acres I haven't seen any and only heard one last spring while sitting out on my back porch of our little house. This thread has me thinking but I've never trapped anything other than mice and rats.
There's at least 5x the number of raccoons that you see, in the area. They have a 2-4 mile range from home base, is what I've read.Coon are a nightly occurance on both of my cameras and food plots. Big fat ones and will typically see 4-6 just on the narrow focus of the pictures taken.
Can you give a bit more detail on the traps and setups youre using? Are you dispatching them once caught or....? If so, what are you doing with the dead ones? Throwing them in a ditch on the property and letting the yotes take care of them? On my 45 acres I haven't seen any and only heard one last spring while sitting out on my back porch of our little house. This thread has me thinking but I've never trapped anything other than mice and rats.
I don't as i have decent grip strength (infer what you will here ). If you have arthritis or a weaker grip the set tool may be helpful. I dislike carrying more than necessary.Do you use the set tool ? Looks like a bent welding rod would duplicate it.
If they are in the area, a little blood will not deter one from sticking its hand in the "cookie jar" for a old stale marshmallo!Dumb question maybe, if you dispatch them on location, does that deter future success? Seems that spot could get funky and prevent more from coming to the trap, or do you move them around a lot?
I know they're all over my area but I rarely see them. Kinda thinking being a little pro active with a trap would go a long way.