Tulsa PD shoots unarmed black man

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Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Why is it you don't see black people coming out telling other blacks when they get pulled over to just do what the officer says? Instead I see people like D.L. Hughley coming out trying to say that police are bad and that blacks are being targeted. He even tried to say that beauticians get more training than cops. Heaven forbid he realize that when you disobey a cop especially when they have their guns drawn on you, you are likely to get shot. If this has been a white person shot you would never hear about it. Nobody would care. But since it was a black everyone wants to go ape. I'm not saying this was a good shoot because I'm not a lawyer but I know every time a black person gets shot everyone wants to instantly blame the police. No matter how bad a person the black person was.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
Why is it you don't see black people coming out telling other blacks when they get pulled over to just do what the officer says? Instead I see people like D.L. Hughley coming out trying to say that police are bad and that blacks are being targeted. He even tried to say that beauticians get more training than cops. Heaven forbid he realize that when you disobey a cop especially when they have their guns drawn on you, you are likely to get shot. If this has been a white person shot you would never hear about it. Nobody would care. But since it was a black everyone wants to go ape. I'm not saying this was a good shoot because I'm not a lawyer but I know every time a black person gets shot everyone wants to instantly blame the police. No matter how bad a person the black person was.

perhaps some of it comes from the fact that there have been so many shootings of unarmed black men lately (this case, one last night, the gentleman who was shot while caring for the autistic man). Or Perhaps the fact that, when a bad shoot does occur, many are silent and justice is often difficult to come by?

Anyone want to bet that the victim blamers also hate Colin Kaepernick?

you mean the 'i wish they wouldn't protest using violence, but how dare he quietly take a knee' crowd?

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