I can’t believe nobody has mentioned how commercials prominently feature homosexuals these days or how minorities are being featured instead of whites. There is nothing wrong with having different races in commercials, but the reasons it’s being done are the problem. It’s to further divide our country. That’s it. As usual the left is using minorities to further divide and destroy our nation. I saw a planned parenthood commercial the other day on National Geographic Wild channel. Of course it was full of lies and propaganda about “women’s rights” and “constitutional rights” being violated. It was mostly black women on the commercial and it was asking for people to become supporters and to donate every month. I turned to my wife and said “ picture how blind these women are, planned parenthood was created to destroy the black race in America”. A racist white woman started it to kill as many blacks as she could. There is a reason so many planned parenthood centers are in minority communities. Yet these woman are begging people to donate to their own demise.