US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed

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Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
I don't know and would have to research it. But, I don't believe there has ever been this level of alleged fraud by witnesses that have submitted affidavits. Not to mention, I've never heard of this level of widespread intimidation and threats to Republican poll observers, also with affidavits, that preventing them from doing their job.

Accusations are not proof, at least according to several judges who have already reviewed 'witness' affidavits in this matter.

There are several examples out there where a judge has heard from someone who 'saw' something, yet dismissed the case because the defense also provided affidavits as a counterpoint. The judge who ruled about the person who said they saw out of state tags delivering ballots is a great example. The defense showed that while the person's sworn testimony was true, it lacked an understanding of the situation because the person didn't know that the election officials had rented a truck to carry the legal ballots and that it had out of state tags.

Or another judge who ruled that the witness, who had skipped watcher orientation, didn't have a complete understanding of the process they saw because they hadn't gone through the training.

What the lawmakers are being told might well be evidence or it might well be half the story.
Last edited:
Jul 5, 2006
Reaction score
Kingfisher County
The problem is that the various states have their OWN constitutions, and it is incumbent upon the legislatures to act in accordance with their constitutions.
NONE of the the Republican controlled legislatures in any of the swing states are showing the slightest inclination to overthrow the results of the election.

Like a Christian's only weapon is love, a conservative's only weapon is honesty.


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