USA Death Penalty/Life sentence

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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
I basically do the same thing to your posts on a regular basis....

You mean like how you ignored posts disproving your claim that the 70's and 80's were some sort of nearly crime-free utopia in your "good ole days" thread? To be fair there are several others you do that to when it suits you, so it's not just me.

you're sooooo superior to the rest of us "lower" life forms.

I'm also better looking and undefeated at Hungry Hungry Hippos, but we're getting off topic.

Listen doc, if you wanna get your e-hardass on talking about how you'd be first in line to give John Doe's a couple .22's to the brain stem in between bouts of posting goofy rhetoric on the internet, have at it. I'm sure you'll be at the top of their list for Rimfire Executioner when they knock all quasi-European pansies out of power. Forgive me for not giving your post due consideration, and don't forget to wear eye protection.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score
LOL at "Rimfire Executioner" Are we talking Long Rifle? Long? Shorts? CBs?


I still think the method depends on what we are trying to accomplish - retribution or extermination. Werewolf said the method is irrelevant, but my point - which relates to the OP's point - was entirely about the method, not about the legitimacy of capital punishment or any appeals processes.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
As more time goes by, the more people I talk to, and the more I read, the more issues I have with the death penalty. It's all well and good to yell .22's to the brainstem from the sidelines, but it's not always that simple.

LOL at "Rimfire Executioner" Are we talking Long Rifle? Long? Shorts? CBs?

I guess whatever's clever. And by that I mean whatever's on sale at the Bartellsville Wal-Mart, eh doc?

Yay! Another bloodlust thread!

ITT: Executioners

^^trdoc on Halloween^^ kill a mothafawka like it ain't no thing


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
You mean like how you ignored posts disproving your claim that the 70's and 80's were some sort of nearly crime-free utopia in your "good ole days" thread? To be fair there are several others you do that to when it suits you, so it's not just me.

I'm also better looking and undefeated at Hungry Hungry Hippos, but we're getting off topic.

Listen doc, if you wanna get your e-hardass on talking about how you'd be first in line to give John Doe's a couple .22's to the brain stem in between bouts of posting goofy rhetoric on the internet, have at it. I'm sure you'll be at the top of their list for Rimfire Executioner when they knock all quasi-European pansies out of power. Forgive me for not giving your post due consideration, and don't forget to wear eye protection.

I'm sorry if you don't agree that we should have harsh penalties for those who brazenly commit atrocities against others of the human race. We're all entitled to our own opinions.

Apparently you don't want to talk about the topic at hand, you want to spend your efforts to try to discredit me personally and put words in my mouth... both marks of someone who has something to prove but nothing to prove it with. Keep playing internet stalker and keyboard commando. It seems to suit you well.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
For many years i was a proponent of the death penalty, but lately i've seen too many stories about wrongly convicted people on death row being exonerated for me to support it now. It's too big a price to pay for mistakes/failures of the system.

I agree with my uncle, (who once said Clarence Thomas leaned too left for his taste) that the death penalty isn't a good idea, but we've weakened the other punishments too much.
My question is, which of those cases were overturned based on solid evidence from the modern era, such as DNA, etc.

I don't think routine murder trials automatically deserve the death penalty, as much as some internet stalkers here want to paint me as some bloodthirsty redneck maniac. I believe in certain instances where guilt is proven conclusively with solid evidence such as eyewitnesses, DNA, etc, and the heinous nature of the crime proves depravity beyond the norm, then an expedited, effective, inexpensive and certain death penalty and execution would serve many purposes, not the least of which is deterrence.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry you don't agree that we should have harsh penalties for those who brazenly commit atrocities against others of the human race.

I'll be danged if LightningCrash didn't see that one coming. Because I disagree with and make light of your Rimfire Executioner skit, I'm "against harsh penalties for those who commit atrocities against the human race". Gotcha.

Apparently you don't want to talk about the topic at hand, you want to try to discredit me personally and put words in my mouth...

Yeah, when you more or less insert yourself into the discussion, that's what I'll do. Because your comment was so rational and useful, I'm sure there's a large movement for the cause of the 30 day Rimfire Executioner. Just a few PC police keeping your dream from becoming a reality.

So if you don't want me to insert you into it personally, I assume you want these offenders to get .22's to the brainstem, you just don't want to be the one to do it? If so, I apologize for misreading you.

Whatever man. Put a few contact shots in the head of a kneeling man, stand by your position after sleeping like a baby, and then I'll take you seriously. Until then it's internet chest beating.

Keep playing internet stalker and keyboard commando. It seems to suit you well.

You know it baby. Keep slangin' that hyperbole and painting anyone with a thought (or in past threads, a fact) that doesn't align with your world view as a whack job, a liberal, a PC Pansie, or a European sissy. It seems to suit you well.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Yup.... I guess inserting myself into the discussion is forbidden in a thread where someone asked for opinions on the death penalty??? Hahaha.... dude, you are funny. You're the one who is intolerant of others' viewpoints and opinions and attempts to make them look like whackjobs if they don't succumb to your worldview. lol

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