Vietnam UH-1 helicopter pilot poser outed

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Special Hen
Aug 28, 2007
Reaction score
Suggesting Lurker has disciples is a hierarchy straight outta Lord of the Flies. And everyone is the fat kid.



Crocodylus Pontifex
Special Hen
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Speaking of Lurker I have some things I'd like to say. When I became owner of this site I started getting emails from Lurker or whatever he calls himself, initially somewhat friendly but eventually becoming veiled threats with demands, I'll show you many of them.

The first ones had accusations against dennishoddy with some pretty frightening levels of effort put into it. He included a list of accusations and 10 screenshots of random things dennishoddy had said and mentioned having over 250 screenshots. I forwarded the entire thing to dennishoddy and he answered every question with answers that were better than anything I could have made up, which makes me believe him. I then tried to convince dennis to let me publish all the answers but he said he wasn't interested in getting the whole thing going again and I completely understood, especially now that I've seen the efforts Lurker will go too.

I basically told lurker that I would look into it and get back to him when I made a decision on it, and that can take a while with me sometimes. If he doesn't get an answer he continues to send more emails, each a little more shady and threatening than the last, and then follows me around the internet to send me a message anywhere he can find me, and I'm pretty much tired of it.

To any one that supports lurker and his efforts to ruin dennishoddy's and anyone else's life, you can leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out, go have whatever site you think you want to have with that guy and have fun. We don't play that anymore here. No one should have to deal with that level of harassment over a site that is basically here for entertainment. People generally come here for at least a small level of enjoyment.

Whether you like it or not, this guy is the definition of an extortionist and I'm tired of it and anyone supporting him should re-examine their positions.

I didn't include the first email with the list and attachments due to privacy concerns for dennishoddy. I replied a few times in the beginning to say I'd look into it and he kept sending messages before I ever had a chance to. Eventually I stopped replying so he started sending them from different sources. I have never been rude to this man and have never replied in a negative way. All of these emails were unsolicited and most were not replied to. There are more, these are just the ones I could find the easiest. He's sent message in many different forms to many different places so it's hard to find them all, most of these have shown up in the last few days.

Early email after he sent his initial concerns and I said I would look into it after I was done with the technical aspects of taking on the site.


Contact Us form from OSA

He likes to use my name, I guess to let me know that he knows it.


Apparently he found a different email address for me somewhere so he sent one to it.

This is him using the contact us of another forum I started for a car called the "Elio"

More demands sent from the contact us of the first forum I ever started.

Not sure what these threats actually were that he is referencing, no one else has mentioned being "threatened."

More threats and demands.
Last edited:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I'm far from a Lurker disciple...I'm less concerned with his alleged war story embellishments than I am with the selection of moderators who use their moderator status to stifle dissent with a mod's personal opinion and generally act like bullies.

Mod's shouldn't make personal posts in forums they moderate. Period.


Crocodylus Pontifex
Special Hen
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
I'm far from a Lurker disciple...I'm less concerned with his alleged war story embellishments than I am with the selection of moderators who use their moderator status to stifle dissent with a mod's personal opinion and generally act like bullies.

Mod's shouldn't make personal posts in forums they moderate. Period.
I haven't been here long so it's gonna take a minute to learn my way around the group. Give me your opinion and then give me some time and you'll probably be happy.

Mods definitely should be able to post, they're just volunteers, but I can agree they probably shouldn't mod threads they are actively debating in. Look, progress already! :D


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
I haven't been here long so it's gonna take a minute to learn my way around the group. Give me your opinion and then give me some time and you'll probably be happy.

Mods definitely should be able to post, they're just volunteers, but I can agree they probably shouldn't mod threads they are actively debating in. Look, progress already! :D

That would have been helpful several months ago, before your arrival though. It was like rats jumping ship around here, and it wasn't Hoddy.


Crocodylus Pontifex
Special Hen
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Steve, you bought a site that had already started a downward spiral from the previous owners decision to disregard not only the Hoddy saga, but othe moderator issues as well.

It would have served you before buying to have joined for awhile and "caught up". Had you done so, you would have never bought, that sir is proof that you knew nothing of the site or the members leaving in droves or for that matter anything with moderator problems or the Hoddy posting very conflicting stories of his military service. Which I find very difficult to believe that can be explained to anyone's satisfaction, let alone to you as a new owner.

It looks as if you're choosing to follow in the same footsteps as the previous owner and simply disregard what has been shown and expressed by not just Lurker, but other members as well. The previous owner did just that, he even bought the site that most had left here to go participate in and it was shut down within a week of him doing so by the members leaving and starting their own. He paid money for a site that lasted a week tops. Had he listened to the members he would still own two very active sites, but he chose not to.

You continue with your mods and disregarding the members, you too will end up with a ghost town that won't support itself.

Lastly, surely you know these sites are about members, without them the sites die. It seems in the best interest in your bottom line and for the life of the site that you would rather replace a few mods from time to time than to lose hundreds of members who made the site what it is and to eventually lose the site as stated above like OKFirearms sunk and disappeared. Surely?

I was forewarned about everything by JB Books, no wool was over my eyes, and I have 0 regrets about coming here. Many others have come to the same conclusion as myself with dennishoddy after hearing his answers, I'm not the only one.

I don't disregard members, I've made plenty of changes based on member feedback and ask for it all the time. I'm also far from done. My intentions were to come in, make my software changes and a few rule changes, and then let it simmer. It makes no sense to come in and start firing people before I've even seen their work. Now that we've been in the new environment for a few months I can start to make changes where I need to, we're still in a transition period. Today is pretty much the start of that second phase I guess.

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