We Cut the Cable! Need Antenna Advice/Help

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Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
I use a Mohu Leaf antenna at each of 3 TVs and they provide excellent reception for all OKC channels, and I'm south of Blanchard. Wife likes them cuz she covers them up with pictures or other "decorations"
My parents live south and east of Lex, and they tried using the Leaf Plus with no luck (it was tolerable when it was in a north window, but that was too far from the TV in the living room). What worked best for them was a good ol' Rat Shack 120" antenna on a mast. (When they bought the place, the insurance company made them put a new roof on the place, so my dad put on metal roofing from Steelco in Paoli, and that might have something to do with the Leaf Plus not getting the job done.)

Of course, what really fixed their antenna problems was signing up with Dish, but that brought its own set of problems...


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
My wife won't cut her cable or landline. She makes good money and owns half of everything so I ain't arguing. But in my media room here and at my other place everything I watch is streamed from my computers and use my big tvs as monitors. She has been coming in and watching some of the new original programming on Netflix and etc so Im hoping to be able to show her how cool it is and she eventually will let me go whole house.

(Tapatalk)- on the road.

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