Why do I live in Oklahoma?

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Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
Being from a socialist nation that only sees six weeks of warm weather annually... life in Oklahoma is where it's at for me. I've lived in a few other states east of the Big Muddy and am glad to not live in them. My vocation has taken me to every US state (except Alaska and Hawaii) and none of them appeal to me as the cost of living is higher, the politics tend to even more socialist than here, often more crowded or the weather is too cold. I've lived in OK for more than three decades and have no plans on ever leaving. My wife has been down here for only 3+ years and loves it (summers are still hard for her but she's acclimating).


Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
There's no other people like Oklahomans you won't sit on a road for more than 15 minutes broke down before someone stops to help and not many cars on the road go by without a wave at least in my part of the woods. Been to many states in this once great country and many different countries as well and not many compare to here (minus the weather)
I agree. I love this state. Never want to live anywhere else and never have. I don't know why you would. Very conservative state and very pro 2A. Right down my alley. I don't mind the weather. I ain't a weenie. I am used to it. Even if I was a millionaire I wouldn't live anywhere else. I would stay right here in Shawnee. I have been many places besides here and I just don't like leaving our state. I just don't feel comfortable away from here. It's almost like I am in a different country. And some parts of Oklahoma are Beautiful. Great food, great people, and a pretty strong economy. Your loss if you want to leave.


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
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There's no other people like Oklahomans you won't sit on a road for more than 15 minutes broke down before someone stops to help and not many cars on the road go by without a wave at least in my part of the woods. Been to many states in this once great country and many different countries as well and not many compare to here (minus the weather)

Now this is the truth. In 2011 I had to drive my two door sporter through the snow and got stuck (go figure), a guy in a big truck that had to be only a car or two behind me pulled over to help. He had chains and crawled under my car in the snow (got his clothes dirty in the process) to hook them up and pull me out.

Last year I thought my SO had put gas in the tank but she had been teetering on empty for a full week! Ended up running out of gas and got stuck in the street. I had to have been in the street a mere 45 seconds before two cars pulled over to help me push my car 60yrds to the gas station.

I'm very thankful for those Oklahomans.

Wheel Gun

Special Hen
Jun 25, 2011
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Formerly EdmondMember
This winter, I was driving down an Edmond street and noticed that a motorist had just slipped off the icy road and was stuck in a snowy, muddy ditch. By the time that I could pull over and walk back, four other drivers had stopped to help. As we pushed on the back of her car, there was almost not enough room for all five of us to push. As she fish-tailed away to safety and waved her appreciation, we looked down at our muddy clothes and laughed. There were handshakes between strangers and well wishes all around.

Oklahoma's a friendly place.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2014
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This winter, I was driving down an Edmond street and noticed that a motorist had just slipped off the icy road and was stuck in a snowy, muddy ditch. By the time that I could pull over and walk back, four other drivers had stopped to help. As we pushed on the back of her car, there was almost not enough room for all five of us to push. As she fish-tailed away to safety and waved her appreciation, we looked down at our muddy clothes and laughed. There were handshakes between strangers and well wishes all around.

Oklahoma's a friendly place.

Hey Good! Only in our state!! You guys are great examples of what Oklahoma is. WTG


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2010
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Just the other day I was gazing out the front window and spotted a car come to a slow stop. After a while the car started moving again but very slowly, watched it for a few seconds and decided someone had the drivers door open and pushing the car. I jumped in my PU to run out and see if they needed any help.

What I found was a 50ish year old lady pushing her car because she had ran out of gas. Have no idea where she thought she was pushing it to because the next house is 1/2 mile away around a corner. I came back to the house, grabbed my lawnmower gas and gave her enough gas to get to a station. She offered payment but I wouldn’t take anything. Just being an Okie I guess, semed like the right thing to do at the time..


Special Hen
Apr 20, 2013
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Up til 4 years ago I lived in Chicago and I loved it, except the winter, I now live in Oklahoma I call it home, but not cuz I want to. All I can say bout living here is "shoooow me the mooooney" oil field life is long and hard but it pays goooood.

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