You have GOT to be kidding me... (DoJ malfeasance)

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Jan 12, 2007
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As some of you may know, LtG Flynn is back in court this week trying to get his conviction overturned. Many of you may not know that the FBI doesn’t record criminal interviews. They have two agents do the interview and while one asks questions, the other one writes notes that may be entered into evidence at trial. The interviewing agent also writes notes, they’re just not as copious because they’re asking the questions and observing the subject’s responses to evaluate their truthfulness.

They’re recorded as “FD-302’s”. The FD-302’s are the basis for the DoJ’s prosecution of LtG Flynn for a 1001(g) violation and his subsequent plea agreement. Remember that the reason Flynn flipped so quick is because they were threatening his family, specifically his son with prosecution (a common DoJ tactic).

DoJ was still required to provide defense counsel with Brady evidence (exculpatory). They didn’t. What they also didn’t disclose is that they were threatening to charge Flynn’s defense counsel at the time for “manufacturing evidence”. Flynn plead out in part on the advice of said counsel.

Back to the 302’s. The agents who filed the Flynn 302’s were Joseph Pientka and Peter Strozk. Sound familiar? Well Flynn has a new and MUCH better legal team, who filed a Motion To Compel Brady evidence from DoJ. The DoJ tried to submit “official” 302’s with redactions, but Flynn’s defense wisely requested the original drafts for examination (hand written during the interview vs. cleaned up, typed notes afterwards). Of course the prosecution tried to claim they didn’t have access to the original drafts, which is patently false.

Back and forth, back and forth, ultimately it was discovered that the “official notes” were edited and approved by Andrew McCabe (again, sound familiar?). The draft notes submitted raised flags because the defense realized that Strozk’s notes were far too neat and organized to have been written during the interview. Obviously we now know Strozk has serious credibility issues, but at the time they were strong arming Flynn, this wasn’t known outside DoJ.

Of course this is all going to the heart of defense counsel’s plan to undermine the very basis for Flynn’s prosecution and near immediate plea agreement. So what does the prosecution do today? Oh, just admit that for two years plus, they’ve been mis-attributing Strozk’s 302 as Pientka’s and vice versa!

I couldn’t make this up if I tried folks. The malfeasance is staggering and undermines everything DoJ has done since the beginning of the 2016 election cycle. If the judge doesn’t dismiss this case with prejudice, I don’t see how we can move forward as a country.

Here’s the whole sordid mess if you’re up to reading it. :(

And today’s utterly unbelievable admission by DoJ


Special Hen
Apr 16, 2009
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The prosecution is doing this on purpose. They want the case dismissed. That last thing they want is to have to actually produce the original documents and all the other Brady materials. Now that would show some malfeasance.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Sydney Powell is a great defense attorney. Flynn would not be in the position he is now if she had been in his back pocket from the get-go.
What's interesting is that James Comey, the disgraced ex FBI director bragged about duping Flynn into not having counsel present during the initial interview.
As any father would, General Flynn fell on the sword because the DOJ promised to put his son in prison for the rest of his life if he didn't plead guilty to their demands, and his original legal team seemed to be compromised?
What exactly was General Flynn's son doing that could have put him in the can for life? I read and understand they could insinuate and generate false charges that would stick, but there had to be some sort of shady dealings being done by the son to give them the foothold to be able to get there in the first place.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
Yeah, Sydney Powell seems like an incredible attorney. So much of this stuff the last three years can get so confusing and there are so many different webs that have been spun it can be very confusing to understand everything that is going on. I have gotten into Pod Casts the last 3-4 months and have really grown to like the Dan Bongino pod cast. The guy is extremely knowledgeable about all things Politics and has a knack to explain all of it so the layman can easily understand the mess that is politics. Highly recommend listening to his pod cast.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
So much of this stuff the last three years can get so confusing and there are so many different webs that have been spun it can be very confusing to understand everything that is going on.

This is what is so shocking and concerning. The interrelation of the various depts. in their corruption. The Fast & Furious, Hillary's antics, you know, all the obvious blatant crimes. In years past there were a lot of "turf wars" between agencies with bickering and posturing on who's going to get the "collar" or the "cheese". All of these shenanigans looks like they were all on the same team.

And Bongino is a flat out STUD. Love that guy in a no homo way.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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Retired General Officers tend to make a LOT of money in the corporate world and Flynn lost this avenue due to being railroaded. I heard he had to sell his home to defend himself in court and I hope that his conviction is overturned and he recoups his loss 7-fold. He deserves it because of people in the FBI falsely documenting damaging information. They need to be taught a valuable lesson and in doing so, I hope some people lose their retirement checks because they were and are dishonorable and failed both the office they held and the country.
And no one has addressed the crimes committed by the Obama administration adequately..yet and they were far worse than anything Trump has thought of or done. Obama let a US Consulate fall and four men die and did nothing. Recently Americans were ambushed and killed in Mexico and Trump wants to go in and eradicate the cartel. There is a huge difference there.

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