RANT: Co-Workers...

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 16, 2009
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I feel your pain, I work for a small business with the owner his wife and their d-bag son, The bosses wife will tell I am the only one she can count on and she shows her appriciation all the time with little cash bonuses and time off with pay when I need to run errnds or something and she always gives me the friday before wannenmachers off with pay! She says you are either a hot dog or you are a weinnie in life and I am a hot dog but unfortunatly the 2 men in her life are weinnies! LOL I just agree with her and go back to work.

Big House

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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NE Oklahoma/Now Florida
I feel your pain, I work for a small business with the owner his wife and their d-bag son, The bosses wife will tell I am the only one she can count on and she shows her appriciation all the time with little cash bonuses and time off with pay when I need to run errnds or something and she always gives me the friday before wannenmachers off with pay! She says you are either a hot dog or you are a weinnie in life and I am a hot dog but unfortunatly the 2 men in her life are weinnies! LOL I just agree with her and go back to work.

You have just missed your chance at being a manwhore. :)

Big House

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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NE Oklahoma/Now Florida
I feel your pain, I work for a small business with the owner his wife and their d-bag son, The bosses wife will tell I am the only one she can count on and she shows her appriciation all the time with little cash bonuses and time off with pay when I need to run errnds or something and she always gives me the friday before wannenmachers off with pay! She says you are either a hot dog or you are a weinnie in life and I am a hot dog but unfortunatly the 2 men in her life are weinnies! LOL I just agree with her and go back to work.

You have just missed your chance at being a manwhore. :)

Cedar Creek

Special Hen
May 31, 2010
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SW Oklahoma
I work for a government agency and I feel your pain, Whitey McD. My pain is getting better every day, though, because I am within seven months of retirement with lots of leave time and comp time I need to take. Kind of wish I wasn't retiring, though, because my old supervisor is gone and our new guy is young, smart, task-oriented, and absolutely fearless. The deadbeats and bottomfeeders that had it made before are squealing like bunch of pigs stuck under a gate - and I love it! He is nice to me and I have worked harder the last year than any time I can remember and felt glad to do it. :naughty:

Cedar Creek


Special Hen
Apr 13, 2009
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You know what I hate? Coworkers choose to be the pariah while denigrating their co-workers. We all have our jobs. Sometimes those jobs overlap and sometimes they don't. But some co-workers choose to be abrasive, subversive and worry entirely too much about what their co-workers are doing rather than the task(s) at hand.
If you don't want to help, say so. If you're too busy, say so, but if you've got enough time to worry over, and complain about your co-workers, then you can't be so busy that you can't help your co-workers, and by extension the company, out once in a while rather than discussing beef jerky or deer jerky recipes (some of us have ears too).

By the way, everyone, Whitey is trying to talk about some of us that troll this site who are also blessed to work with him.
He feels downtrodden and overworked. When he talked about calling in sick, he was talking about me. And it's true, I've had to call in sick several times, but it's also true that I've used a ton of vacation days for sick days, when I was out for surgery, etc. It's also true that I head in on Saturdays or all weekend to make up the days that I missed. I've never seen Whitey prowling the office on a weekend.

There are a whole lot of issues when it comes to Whitey, but for the life of me, I can't understand why. It's a job. Do it and go home and be with your family. If the people affect you enough that you have to think about it, stew and complain all the time, something else is wrong.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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How can this be Whitey? Don't all Americans take pride in their work?

All jokes aside, I feel for you. This was one of the main reasons I retired from the Marines at 21 years. When it was time for staff billets those who worked hard and produced quality work got the shaft by always being dumped on. Short fuse taskers, high visibility projects, and the likes. Situations like yours don't stop until you drop one of the 8 balls your juggling but people that work their butts off don't drop balls. Right?

When you're in charge and something needs to be done now and it needs to be done right you don't assign the task to a slacker. Military or civilian it is the same.

When you've got the time you can work on fixing the slacker (best option) or getting rid of him (hard to do in many cases what with all the HR pansies and even harder to do if government or military).

Even the best bosses are subject to the give it to your best paradigm. No way around it. It is what it is.

On the bright side, in work places with no unions and merit raises based on work performance/annual evaluations the slackers get squat and the competent, dedicated employees get the biggest annual raises (at least that's the way I always handed out raises). In the military that doesn't work but annual evals make a difference when it comes to promotions and in those cases the slackers are either rif'd or quit while their fellows move up (at least that's the way it worked when I served).

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