Obama puppet Wolf Blitzer blasts Administration and Obama!

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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I doubt it could be pulled off. Just a what if the rest of the world adopted our Constitution thought. We couldnt really have enemies. Could you imagine what a mess a congress or senate would be. Lol, id move to the moon.

So where are the Mosins? Are they consecutive original SN or importer SN?


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 9, 2009
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Oklahoma City
LOL Just absolutely poetic. I really wish we could come back together as one nation, under God, you know. Sick of the divisiveness & back biting. Thanks for the laugh Lurker. I really appreciate it. Rant is probably too long and unstructured to be understood anyway. I think things are deffinately going to get worse. But I firmly believe in the end, America is going to come together and return to undeniable greatness, even if we have to exterminate a few religious cockroaches along the way. I think the world is just angry cause they don't have what we do. They take it out on their own governments, Spain, Greece, etc., and they take it out on America, the good frustrated Muslims, not the fanatics. Should be an interesting ride. And yes yukonjack, it will have a few "bumps". I hope they try to bring it to us. I'm ready. ;-). Little Thunder, little Lightening. .308, .223, .40, and a giant can of American Whup Ass!

HAHAHA You're joking right? So what do we do with the athiests, muslims, budist, and all the other religions that don't consider your God their god? The problem with America is we ARE a melting pot. No other country I can think of has the diversity and acceptance of other cultures as the USA.

That sounds like something from one of Hitlers speeches...


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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In all honesty we Americans only want free love and free beer. Nothing else except fried foods and Iphones have that much importance to us. Take what you want MR. Obama but gives us what we need!!! No fat chicks!!!


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2009
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Oh my God, the clearly liberal National Democrat Press Machine must be Muslim haters. How could a "news agency" of CNN's stature not be unfair and unbalanced. The Liberal media has gone crazy! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

I am so sick of the back biting and childish finger pointing that goes on here in America. Americans no longer know how to think and be objective. They are becoming as polar as the politicians. It used to be a two party government that HAD to swing back and forth which caused policies to remain somewhat centered, where Americans used to be. Now they are merely mindless puppets that simply parrot what they here on their choice of news sources. I would HATE to be in a single party government. Yes I have a minor in Political Science, but college didn't teach me to be liberal. It taught me how to think. How to know there are two sides to EVERY story. Things are RARELY black and white. And the scary thing about these mindless, immature Americans that have become polarized, is they are allowed to vote. Palin was an idiot, and McCain was an idiot to pick her. Obama is an American that cares about this country. He is not a communist, Muslim with terrorists ties, he'll bent on bringing about the financial collapse of America. Romney is not a silver spoon up the but, outsourcing rich guy that doesn't care about the bottom half. Obama didn't get my guns. I didn't run out of bullets. There is some bad in both political parties actions. I came out of those Liberal colleges as a Republican but an American that can see good and bad on both sides of the isles.

The REAL problem is a loss of MORALITY as taught in the Bible with compassion for all and the willingness to help thy neighbor. The problem is GREED and the worship of mammon. And no, I haven't been to church in 20 years, but I do get it. Chasing the dollar promotes outsourcing for cheap labor. Hiring illegals allows for cheep labor. Cheep labor is more profit. Look around, goods have not gone down in price since the last 40 years I checked. Once families became two income families, the "market" (CEOs) realized the could get more for their product. As the company became successful, so did it's workers. When the profit margins shrank, companies streamlined. When there were no more cuts to make, the #1 controllable expense was labor. Lay off and heap more on existing employees. Outsource jobs to $2 an hour labor forces. Import illegal aliens since we can't have slaves. Big Business unchecked.

There is no solution to greed unless the morality of America changes. Right! Since the greed goes unchecked; Insurance, Wallstreet, you name it, the question becomes how to not stifle business. Now there are two differing philosophies. Democrats regulate, tax outsourcing. Republicans say government regulations are no good, stay out! That has worked wonders with CEO salaries and bonuses, outsourcing, Walstreet, Insurance industry. Why can't people see the lunacy of both party extremes. We have to have both parties and a blend of philosophies. It is a historical fact the economies do better under Democratic parties, a fact that blows this old educated Republican's mind. And it is not a delayed, residual outcome of past policies, cause if you can't see how things went, and why over the past 12 years, you're either blind or ignorant. As we say here in Oklahoma, it don't take no college degree to see what's going on. Look at food prices! Before long, cost of living is going to kill us. If you have to cut somewhere, you'll do without TV before food. When that happens, people will have more for food...Whoo Hooo, raise the prices again, we got plenty of illegals to pick the stuff!

I'm sorry for the rant. I'm sorry for coming down on the guy about Obama lying about Fast and Furious. I'm sick of the shallow thinking. Americans really ought to be able to gather information from all sources and sides, then leave emotions and preconceived thoughts out of it, and THINK DEEP about what is going on. It ain't just black & white. It's gray as hell. Nobody has all the answers. We need solutions to help the majority of society, the middle. Not the far right nor the far left. I think they have to push that far, to get things to move a little. We should be smart enough to understand that.

The Republicans want to outsource, as a middle class family that has suffered over the last 10 years, that does not make me happy. The Democrats want Amnesty for Illegals, that does not make me happy, even though our beloved Regan, did it first! Republican policy hurts white collar jobs. Democrats hurt blue collar workers. If you disagree with either, you're a moron that needs to do some serious research, not the 5 o'clock news! Do I want to vote Obama and bring home the jobs? Why should I? He promised to penalize companies who do it 4 years ago and hasn't done it. Accounting, IT, manufacturing, where does it stop. When you can't outsource, you import it. Why do Republicans resist illegal immigrant labor? It's rampant. It helps business. That's what Republicans stand for. Business. Not minorities. Oh that's right, they used to, Reagan Ammnesty. Now it's profit margin, or whatever they want to spin it as.

I'm not writing this as a dissertation. I'm not checking spelling or grammar. But I am just trying to communicate some provocative thoughts. There will be those that lash out because it flies in the face of all they have learned to parrot. There are others who do get the jest of what I'm saying. I don't care if you hate Romney. I don't care if you hate Obama. Just hate based on facts, not Fox, MSNBC, CNN, do your own research. Obama didn't lie. Romney cares about all Americans. We still have our guns and bullets. The troop buildups for Marshall Law is not occurring. QUIT FREAKING OUT.

Obama will nuke Iran if necessary. MHate based on fact and truth, and quit being a Chicken Little who runs around screaming the sky is falling over every single sound byte you hear or read from a left/right wing website. I hate what is happening to America & Americans. Stop going to the extremes like the politicians. Someone needs to keep them in check. BOTH PARTIES! Be fair and factual in your judgement and hate. Romney and Obama are equally faulty. Both both also want to help Americans. They are both, American!

Rant over and sorry if I ruffled any feathers on either side of the isle. I'd give my shirt of my back to anyone of you on here, Republican or Democrat. We call people like me Okies. Americans!


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