No mustang. I do not believe in a one religion country. I welcome all religions. I almost married a Jewish person. I believe in the separation of church and state. It does piss me off that they try to take prayer out of school, ten commandments off of court house lawns, and nativity scenes out of public view. This nation was founded under people with my Christian God, but recognized the rights of ALL, Jew, Mormon, Chinese, Muslim, to worship their Gods.
I may have been a little unclear in my 10 page OP as I really am in bed, sick as hell with fever. Please ignore me, I will go away. And God Bless you, atheist, Jewish, agnostic, whatever you are. Bring you're family to Owasso and I'll feed the whole lot of you.
I have no problems with any of the things you stated. But if the government seems to favor one religion that's a bad thing for everyone. Even if it's the same religion you believe in. Now I believe private businesses should do whatever they want to do. IE nativity scenes and saying Marry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. I think it's funny Walmart doesn't want their employees to say Merry Christmas but they'll sure as hell cater to Christmas! LOL