Three Men Arrested After Buying Gun At Gun Show In OKC

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Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
In a perfect world, that would, perhaps, be true. Because in a perfect world, everyone would, perhaps, exercise their rights responsibily. The reason that government has a "right" (some would say "duty" or "obligation" rather than "right") to infringe on people's "rights" is that people do not always exercise their rights responsibily. In this imperfect world of ours, the idea that rights imply a certain amount of responsibility in their exercise has been forgotten or ignored. Everyone is up in arms about their "rights", but no one seems to be talking about the responsibilities that go along with the exercise of any given right. Nancy Lanza was well within her 2nd Amendment rights to possess the guns her son, Adam, used to kill those 20 children and 7 adults in Newtown, but there is also no doubt that those guns were used irresponsibily. I believe in the 2nd Amendment as much as anyone else does, but I also believe in the responsible exercise of 2A rights. Unfortunately, not everyone with access to a gun believes the same, and this is why the government is involved in the whole mess.

The only responsibility that goes along with rights is the negative responsibility to leave others alone to exercise theirs freely. True rights are never in conflict. Your rights end where the equal rights of others begin. Either you are acting within your rights, or you are violating someone else's. Obviously we don't live in a "perfect world," and people do sometimes violate the rights of others. When this happens, the violator should have force brought against him, in defense of the victims' rights. But it is unjust to violate ANYONE'S rights who is not threatening those of anyone else... and it is HORRIBLY unjust to preemptively violate everyone's rights to try to reduce the harm of a few bad actors.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Yeah, obviously this entire argument has been my idea. I'm not claiming to represent anyone but me with anything I have said in this thread. I had an idea. Put it out there for discussion. I had hoped to learn if if was a good or bad idea, and why.

What I learned is that there is a lot of opposition to ANY changes or ANY kind just because. That some have a very weak grasp on logical thought when it comes to debating an idea. That others feel that calling others names is how to defeat their argument. Other than slippery slope fallacies, still haven't seen how that what I proposed would lead to confiscation, or how it would prevent anyone other than felons from exercising their 2nd amendment right.

Right or wrong, it's clear that my idea is unpopular, and will never be seriously explored by those in the gun community. I hope that whatever is forced upon us in the not so distant future isn't too burdensome, while all of us stand shoulder to shoulder with our collective middle fingers up in the air.


Special Hen
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
What GTG said. If you want everyone to agree with you I would say check out Feinstein's website. What will you say when "they" decide you don't need a semi-auto HG or rifle? You going to show them your CCL?


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
This sure has been an interesting experiment. I proposed an idea and asked for opinion on why it was or wasn't a good idea. For awhile, there was some interesting points made, and then it just devolved into false associations with DiFi. Might as well have called me a satanist...

Now I understand why the people who PMd me didn't want to say in public what they were saying to me. Y'all remind me of an old testament stoning. How dare I have an idea that might change the status quo?

Oh, well. If you can't argue with logic and reason, just diminish the character of the person making the argument.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Yeah, obviously this entire argument has been my idea. I'm not claiming to represent anyone but me with anything I have said in this thread. I had an idea. Put it out there for discussion. I had hoped to learn if if was a good or bad idea, and why.

What I learned is that there is a lot of opposition to ANY changes or ANY kind just because. That some have a very weak grasp on logical thought when it comes to debating an idea. That others feel that calling others names is how to defeat their argument. Other than slippery slope fallacies, still haven't seen how that what I proposed would lead to confiscation, or how it would prevent anyone other than felons from exercising their 2nd amendment right.

Right or wrong, it's clear that my idea is unpopular, and will never be seriously explored by those in the gun community. I hope that whatever is forced upon us in the not so distant future isn't too burdensome, while all of us stand shoulder to shoulder with our collective middle fingers up in the air.

I that's what you "learned" then you didn't learn a damned thing! Perhaps you should open your mind just a little bit more? Not so much your brains fall out, but debating the subject with you so far has been like debating with a box of rocks! :screwy:


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Suffice it to say that I'm done debating here. I'll just play nice and keep my opinion to myself. People turn on you far too easily here and get personal. Whether my idea was a good one or a terrible one, debate has rules. I asked to be convinced or educated, and that didn't happen. Y'all just beat me down with insults until I got tired. I guess that's one way to win.

I hope the prevailing method works with the antis.

Say Gnite Gracie...


Special Hen
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Here is my thought on felons and guns. They will get them one way or another if they want one bad enough. Would you rather them kick in someone's door to get a gun? You really think if they had background checks for individual sales it would keep felons from getting a gun? One thing they could do is sit in parking lot of gun show and watch what someone like you or me walks out with that they purchased legally, follow them home and come back the next day while your at work and rob the place.

Edit: please don't say well I have a safe. I do, you probably do but most don't own one.


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
I just got here. No name calling, or anything else. It's a bad idea because I like FTF PRIVATE sales, and I haven't done anything wrong, so leave me alone. Probably not a good enough argument to change anyone's mind, but it's the only one that matters to me. We may get much worse, but I won't be part of bringing it on myself.

Well, damn. I get back from typing and see that OP has been insulted right out of the thread. I guess if you SAY we're all just dumb and throwing rocks, that makes it true.

Grow up.
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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
I just got here. No name calling, or anything else. It's a bad idea because I like FTF PRIVATE sales, and I haven't done anything wrong, so leave me alone. Probably not a good enough argument to change anyone's mind, but it's the only one that matters to me. We may get much worse, but I won't be part of bringing it on myself.

Well, damn. I get back from typing and see that OP has been insulted right out of the thread. I guess if you SAY we're all just dumb and throwing rocks, that makes it true.

Grow up.

I guess if you SAY that background checks at gunshows somehow violate your rights, that makes it true. I asked over and over for someone to explain this to me, but nobody ever did. Thanks for suddenly clearing things up for me.
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