Notebook and Info ...

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
OK, EdmondMember -- I was trying to figure out how to post this because the notebook I have now is not the notebook I started out with a couple of years ago. Like most things I fool around with, it has kinda evolved. BUT what might be important (or not) to me may be important (or not) to you. So ... I've decided to try and recreate HOW my notebook started out and what it has evolved to now. Even now, I'm making changes to it this year so what we start out with in this thread now will not be what we end up with when I get done. But you will get the idea of how it goes and in no time you will have a notebook geared to what will work for you and your family.

OK ... here goes ...

Once I decided that I did, indeed, need a central place to keep all this information (this is as much for GC, because I am "Auntie Entity" :naughty::D and as such have information in my head that he might need someday when I'm not around to ask) I looked around the interwebz and then kinda started my own thing ... First I got a big (3 in) binder and some of those little plastic dividers that you can write on with a sharpie.

My first set of tabs were these:

Food Inventory - where I kept a list of everything I had put back and everything I added to "the stash" each time I shopped. This has evolved somewhat. I know have a "Master List" in the front of this section that has the totals of everything I want to have put back. If you would like to see that list I'll be glad to post it for you. Just say ... Everybody I know that I've shared this list with has made changes to it to fit their own circumstances and that is GREAT. I want you to know that what I do may NOT be what you need. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO CHANGE SOMETHING TO BETTER SUIT YOUR SITUATION.

I have added a subsection to this tab which covers when the stores in my area change sales flyers each week. Although I'm not an "extreme couponer" I do use coupons. If I find one, this is where it goes, paperclipped to this section so I can find it easily before I leave to go shopping. Some folks put a big envelope, again, just do what suits you. I guarantee you it will change over time.

Water - This started out as a list of things I wanted to buy, as well as a running total of all the bottled water I have. Most folks, including myself, bought bottled water to "stock up". It doesn't take long to realize that stocking up on Dansani isn't gonna work too well if you have more than one or two people to take care of. Because I have small livestock, I probably overprep in this department.

This section now includes the instructions for various methods of preparing water to make it safe for use and consumption. I'll include links in another post (when I have more time. GC is finally up and around and waiting on me now! :fart:) to where I found that information so you can print it off if you think it will be useful to you.

Shelter - Again, this started off as a list of what I had and what else I needed to fill in the holes. Pretty self-explanatory for the most part. And also very personal -- the more people you have to prepare for, the more stuff you will need.

Personal - Contacts. For me that means a list of GC's supervisors, close friends with whom we've made arrangements to watch out for each other, family, any other contacts you have stored in your phone that you might need in an emergency. (How many folks' phone numbers do you have memorized now? Right. Better write them down -- just in case ...)

A subsection of "Personal" is for passports, voter ID cards, copies of our Driver's Licenses, Conceal Carry permit (for me), CLEET card (for GC), originals of birth certificates, social security cards, etc. Anything that is the typical "approved" proof of your identity.

Financial - Every single account (bank, credit card, investment accounts, etc.) you have, numbers, passwords, security questions, contact numbers, etc. I know the experts tell you not to keep all this stuff together but if you are in a hurry you WILL need all this information in one place. The time to hunt for all this information is NOT while the fire department is trying to save your burning home.

Education - Skills you have?? List them. Skills you want to have? List them. I have an ongoing list of things I want to learn/try/perfect. I add something to the bottom of the list when I decide I need to pursue it further, cross it off when I accomplish it. It's kinda a neat thing because you can actually see how far you've come and where you want to go quickly. Helps keep me focused because I tend to "chase rabbits" ... LOL So many interesting things to do in this world, so little time! :D

OK ... I gotta get but I'll be back to give you the links you'll need to help you flesh out these tab ... and add some more.

BTW, my "notebook" is now actually a carrying case you can pick up at any office supply store that's made for storing files in. Works great!

ETA: You will notice as my posts go along that I have moved from just storing items, specifically food, to producing food -- At least as much as I can given the size of my back yard.

Some folks are into the "sustainability" aspect of prepping because they believe that there will come a point in time when we are all living in a third world country again. Regardless of whether that comes to pass or not, I do it because it is healthier for me NOW ... If America becomes the next third world country ... well ... then I'll be just a little bit farther ahead of the game than some others but you won't see me growing and thrashing my own wheat any time soon.

Like it or not, practicallity is an issue in prepping. Don't think for one minute that what I do is the end-all-be-all. Take my posts as what they are intended for -- a STARTING place for you to jump off from. And don't be afraid to post suggestions. Please. That is how I learn, too ...
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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
OK ... Once I got those basic tabs in I decided that the easiest thing (for me) anyway was to put sub-sections in containing information that I had picked up along the way. For instance, under "Food Inventory" there are tabs relating to different types of food preservation (dehydrating, canning, curing, etc.). I'll post up the links to the websites I use and titles of books in my library so you can pull what you might need from that.

Under "Water" I have all the different ways to purify water ...

You get my drift ... I don't know how much information you have already gathered on your own, so if I repeat something you already have or you have something you like better, just ignore my stuff and post yours (so I can learn something :) ) ...

Our "Personal" and "Financial" tabs don't change that much ... So I'll leave you to those yourself, unless you have a specific question and I'll try to answer it.

I did wind up adding tabs for "Communications", "Self Defense", "Small Livestock" and "Gardening", "First Aid", and "Foraging". That is it for us. Everything else that comes down the pike seems to fit as a sub-section of one of these 10 ... err ... 12 categories. That may or may not work for you - try to organize this stuff in a way that makes sense to YOU. Feel free to add tabs that suit your specific situation.

I'm a little torn on sharing my exact inventories of stuff ... Not that I don't trust you hooligans ... but this post is on a public forum ... So, if you have any questions about specific items in our preps, please PM me and we can discuss there. Otherwise, I'm gonna keep this pretty general ... Thanks for understanding.

I'll start posting websites and book titles this evening ... :) Also, while I am thinking about it. I haven't tried out every single thing in my notebook. It's as much a "wishlist" as it is a compilation of what works for me. That's yet another reason why it changes constantly. I tend to think of all this as a learning experience, not something that you read about, copy some pertinent info down and then stick it up in the closet until things go sideways. Although I don't think of myself as a prepper, either. I'm more of a homesteader ... Almost a "green hippy" if you will ... :D
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Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, you're organized!! I had a master list and file upon file on a laptop. I had lists and inventories out the wazoo. It became overwhelming. But i do love reading and making lists.

Now i copy n paste things/lists to a single document. Its a mess.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Wow, you're organized!! I had a master list and file upon file on a laptop. I had lists and inventories out the wazoo. It became overwhelming. But i do love reading and making lists.

Now i copy n paste things/lists to a single document. Its a mess.

It's my curse. A healthy dose of OCD coupled with being responsible for knowing where "that" piece of paper that's gonna win the case, even though we didn't know that was the piece of paper was until 3 seconds ago for 20-some-odd years has permanently scarred me ...


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I gotta quit saying I'll get to something on "X" date or time ... Something always seems to get in the way ... Sometimes, like in this case, it's my lack of prior planning ... :sorry4:

Also, I'm gonna try to keep my posts on the shorter side so there's not so much to try to read at one time. I know really long posts tend to make my eyes glaze over ... They are difficult for me to write and difficult for me to read so ... You guys will just have to bear with me. :twocents:

I'm really not trying to pad my post count! :D

Figure I'll start with the first tab and work my way down from there. A lot of this stuff is gonna be duplication from other posts I've made, so if you've seen me say it somewhere else ... well, this is where I got it ... :)

Mmmmm-kay ...

Food --


Useful sites: Food Storage Made Easy They have lots of useful stuff about other stuff too, but this is the site that got me started on food storage, so this is where it be in my notebook ... :)
Morman Food Storage
Emergency Essentials Food Storage Analyzer
Survival Acres article on Shelf Life
Chef Tess

I decided early on that I wanted a minimum of 1-year supply "eat what you store and store what you eat" goods (for us that means regular "grocery store food"). In order to get there with a minimum of muss and fuss I decided that this method would work best for us:

1. Write down everything your family eats over a one week period. Make a shopping list from this menu. Next time you go to the store, buy what you can over and above what you went after, specifically off this list. As soon as you have everything on this list put back, move on to acquiring a 30-day supply.

2. Write down another week of menus. Again, make a shopping list off this menu. This time, multiply those items by 2 and make a 2-week shopping list from this. Add this list to your original shopping list, to make a final list. (It's not as complicated as I seem to have made it sound. :teehee:) Now start shopping to fill in THIS list. When you are done you will have acquired another 3 weeks worth of food. Viola!! 30-days worth of food put back for your family -- THAT THEY WILL EAT!!

3. Now, you have the idea. For me, it didn't matter at first whether the food was canned, frozen or boxed. Didn't matter whether it had to be cooked or not. What mattered was that I have a years worth of food put back that would make my family (i.e., GC) happy and that I wouldn't have to fight anyone (i.e., GC) to get him to eat. There are things in my pantry I'd rather die than eat, but GC likes it so ... there it is ... There are also things he would rather die than eat, but that's what I like so ... there it is ...

Also, once you have 30 days' worth of food put back, you have bought yourself a little time and can start shopping the loss leaders and sales items. It is amazing how much money you can save (and add back into your prep budget :) ) once you start shopping the sales. And I'm talking about before you even add in any coupons you might have ...

Given the shelf/freezer life of most prepared foods these days, it is not inconceivable that you could store 2-3 years (in some cases more) minimum of food strictly from the grocery store with no loss of nutrient value, taste or esthetics ...
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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I could fill a library with the books I have, especially books about cooking, different kinds of whole food diets and food preservation. However, there are a few websites and books that I ALWAYS head to first when I have a question I need answered.

Notice: I am gonna post a little here and then come back and post a little more, so keep an eye on the edit date and time until I delete this notice -- but here are the categories I have in subsections behind my "Food Inventory" tab. That way you will know when this post is done, because it's gonna take a little time ... My ADHD won't allow me to stay here long enough to post everything at one time! :teehee:

General Food Preparation

Preservation Techniques:
Baking (you HAD to know it was in here somewhere! :teehee:)


Supply Inventory: This is a list of all the PORTABLE supplies I have for food prep if I should lose power, i.e., a Volcano, solar oven, amount of charcoal on hand, etc. This stuff is also on a checklist I have put together in case we need to grab and get, so to speak. That checklist is in the very front of my folder so I can get to it quick and make sure I have everything in the car before I leave. Note: I also try to keep everything that is on that master list pretty close to each other in storage so I don't have to run around like a chicken with my head cut off looking for stuff. I update this list every quarter, or if I make a big score! :)

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