Supreme Court backs Hobby Lobby

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Isha's Pa Pa

Special Hen
Jan 6, 2009
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Midwest City
I guess I will be the voice of dissent here. While I normally agree with things that fly in the face of Obama, this is not one of them. A corporation is not a person, period. They don't get to make these types of decisions for their employees.

Look at this way- you work for a company that provides healthcare, but the owner is a Jehovah's Witness and doesn't believe in antibiotics so by this ruling, they could withhold paying for your antibiotics.

You either provide health care coverage unencumbered or not. It is that simple. Yes, the employees can go get another job, but this goes against EVERYTHING I believe in. A corporation is NOT A PERSON! A business should not be allowed to have religious views and force that onto their employees.

I do not give a crap about the birth control topic, but this will lead to other issues giving corporations control over how we live our lives. Your boss will be able to tell you how to live, and that is BS.

what he said !


Special Hen
Sep 6, 2005
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Agreed. We really should be focused on why they're excluding birth control for gay men. It's discrimination I tell ya! ;)

Seriously, has not one single person on this "jumped the shark" thread realized that HL pays ABOVE the average wage scale for the work performed? Have none of you defending this segment of Obamacare recognized that almost none of the actual female HL employees are complaining? That this entire twisted fight has been created by people that not a single one of you could tolerate in your presence long enough to engage in coitus with?

Look at this:

[Broken External Image]

So you want to keep your boss out of your bedroom? Then why are you DEMANDING that he be in your bedroom paying for your birth control? I'll tell you why. You're an entitled, self-righteous hypocrite who doesn't care about others, only yourself.

I'll tell you this. I'm all for providing you with birth control. If we do, you're less likely to spawn even more whining, self-important crybabies screaming "MINE, MINE, MINE, GIMMEE NOWWWW!!!". I hope you NEVER have children, because you're ruining this country! What we really need is a SCOTUS decision telling you to SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY, because you're ruining things for everyone else! Go get a job, stop buying $150 per month cell phone plans and $150 per month cable service and $600 per month cars and PAY for your precious birth control with the money that your employer is paying you for doing your job!

Sorry my knickers are in a twist here, but this was never about "controlling" access to birth control. It was all about forcing everyone else to PAY for the political agenda pushed by the feminist movement and the progressive left. I get it. You want what you want. Fine. Now what I want is for you to get the frack away from me and leave me the hell alone! I think you're horrible people and I never want you within smelling distance! :finger:

Best post in this entire threat! You and I are in total agreement.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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So if I read this right....HL can choose not to provide birth control or abortion-causing medications to its employees. Do the employees have to stay there, or can they seek employment elsewhere? Maybe find an employer that suits them better, and will provide the health coverage they seek?
Or, they could form a union, and negotiate the terms of their benefits, working together to acheive the desired outcome.

I suffer from bad allergies. Really bad for a couple months every year. My employer quit covering some of my medication a few years ago. I had a choice...quit taking the meds, switch to meds that they would cover, quit and find an employer that covered them, or...wait.....I could buy the meds I needed with my paycheck money!!!
Maybe I should've sued them, but I just bought the meds, and went on with my life.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2013
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So if I read this right....HL can choose not to provide birth control or abortion-causing medications to its employees. Do the employees have to stay there, or can they seek employment elsewhere? Maybe find an employer that suits them better, and will provide the health coverage they seek?
Or, they could form a union, and negotiate the terms of their benefits, working together to acheive the desired outcome.

I suffer from bad allergies. Really bad for a couple months every year. My employer quit covering some of my medication a few years ago. I had a choice...quit taking the meds, switch to meds that they would cover, quit and find an employer that covered them, or...wait.....I could buy the meds I needed with my paycheck money!!!
Maybe I should've sued them, but I just bought the meds, and went on with my life.

It's Hobby Lobby's fault and you're a misogynist!!

- or -

It's Bush's fault and you're a misogynist!!


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
You guys are missing the point of this SCOTUS case.

It sounds like you are against the ACA. Fine and dandy. Speak out against it. Fight against it.

The ACA exists. That's fact. The scary thing is that Hobby Lobby is using constitutional protections meant to apply to individuals to skirt corporate regulation. That's bull honky.

Fight to get rid of the mandates/regulations you don't like. But don't try to skirt them by applying constitutional protections meant to protect an individuals religious freedom to your "closely held company". The owners of Hobby Lobby don't have to provide anyone with Jack ****. Their company does.

Corporate tax rate too high? Fight to lower it. Don't send half and say Jesus told you it's OK and the constitution is on your side.

Also, this "belief" that the contraception provided aborts pregnancies is false. This whole case is built on ********. To hear a supreme court justice of the United States stumbling over psuedoscience is pathetic. Obamacare got everyone's panties in such a twist they'll scream and cry and swing until they get a solid blow in. Whiny post-Reagan right doing what they do best. Playing the persecuted victim. Party of pusssies.

2016 presedential is sealed now, by the way, assuming the democrats get ANYONE but Hill Dog to the front.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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So you want to keep your boss out of your bedroom? Then why are you DEMANDING that he be in your bedroom paying for your birth control?

You don't have to support the ACA to find the SCOTUS ruling ridiculous. I don't know why that is so connfusing.

Fight to get rid of the ACA. Don't take your Christian Exception Cookie and go home. Get rid if it for everyone. How selfish and lame. Yes, the left is selfish. The right is too. They will lie and whine and do anything they can to strike a blow at the feared "leftist agenda", whether it's good for the country or not.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2009
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Secret mission
It's bad enough that we have the government too involved in our personal lives, but now we're going to endorse our employers dictating how we should live and allow them to discriminate against female employees? Basically what the supporters are all endorsing is that a woman who knows she doesn't want children and who is trying to be responsible by using pills & IUDs and who works to support herself can't make those choices for herself because now it is her employer's decision on whether she will be able to afford to protect herself.

And if your argument is that she can buy them without insurance, supporters are delusional & misinformed. An average woman working to support herself can't afford birth control pills without insurance's aide


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Where did this right for the government to force your employer to give you free **** originate? I don't recall reading it anywhere in my copy of the constitution.

Where is the Civil Rights Act of '64, the FDA, the USDA, the FDIC, the ARC, EOEC, HUD, FHA, EPA, DEQ, minimum wage, unemployment insurance, etc in the BOR? Corporate regulation has existed for years and it was common knowledge that individual constituional protections do no protect a company you have a hand in do not allow your company to avoid regulation.

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