Donald Trump for our next President.

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Special Hen
Jan 23, 2010
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May 11, 2009
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for the folks that wonder why Trump gets support from both parties

Casino Jack and the United States of Money (2010) The incredible true story of powerful lobbyist Jack Abramoff. And as the documentary goes on, you realize, with increasing horror, just how corrupt Congress is. (

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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They all suck too. But I thought this was about Trump?

I'd feel a lot better if Paul was in Trump's position, but he's not. Every last one of the rest have troubling financial associations (except Sanders, but he's a kook). Of all the rest, Cruz's ties to GS is the least offensive of the lot. You simply can't make it onto the big stage without some level of compromise. :(


Jan 19, 2007
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I'd feel a lot better if Paul was in Trump's position, but he's not. Every last one of the rest have troubling financial associations (except Sanders, but he's a kook). Of all the rest, Cruz's ties to GS is the least offensive of the lot. You simply can't make it onto the big stage without some level of compromise. :(

Yeah, I agree with most of that, except for the Paul stuff. I do like him but feel he couldn't get much of what he envisions, accomplished. Not necessarily his fault due to the nature of politics but that's just my opinion...

As for Bernie... I like some of his ideas... He's certainly right about a lot of things - except a very important issue: Gun Control. Not something I can ignore.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Back on top? When was Russia ever on top? A credible threat, I'll buy, but when on top?

They are a Caucasian Christian nation that has been released from the grip of maxists and are beginning to enjoy more freedom and middle class life...Meanwhile, marxists have control of our nation and all these old Republican coots think we are still fighting the cold is sad. The Russians have maybe 2 international military bases, we have 200...who is the empire here?

To expect change by doing the same old thing is insane.
I'll go Trump too. Cruz second. Nobody else.
Frack them, I had enough.

Rand Paul is a reformer with an almost identical voting record in the Senate to Cruz; and so far, Trump and Rand's policies appear to be the same but delivered in different manners. I'm not telling you not to support the others; they are way ahead...I'm just tired of people who like Trump/Cruz but bash a guy who is a combination of the two of those guys.

One of the things that really bothers me about Cruz though are his Goldman Sachs connections. I also think they've contributed a considerable amount to his campaign.

And his wife worked for the FED and he supported the TPP which was a vote against American sovereignty and a vote to give 0bama more power. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing I'm afraid.

Every time I think of Trump as president I can't help thinking of the movie Idiocracy; we're closer than you think.

Very true, BUT, that movie was written by a libertarian and trump espouses many Libertarian ideals (although I worry they are just opportunistic)...Even though your point would be illustrated well by a Trump presidency, so it what we got now...we have college kids signing petitions they think are real to ban the 1st amendment, put gun owners in forced labor camps, etc...we ALREADY ARE IN AN IDIOCRACY, it is what got 0bama elected. But Trump definitely has the immature, President Camacho-like quality about him :)


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
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Florida former Okie.
They are a Caucasian Christian nation that has been released from the grip of maxists and are beginning to enjoy more freedom and middle class life...Meanwhile, marxists have control of our nation and all these old Republican coots think we are still fighting the cold is sad. The Russians have maybe 2 international military bases, we have 200...who is the empire here?

There was some filthy rich former communist Russian who tried to control the Russian oil. Putin stopped him and all of a sudden he was the worst, the propaganda machine started the name calling and he was a marked man. Everybody forgot how he helped us with Afghanistan and how even today we are cooperating in space and in controlling Russian nuclear material.

Rand Paul is a reformer with an almost identical voting record in the Senate to Cruz; and so far, Trump and Rand's policies appear to be the same but delivered in different manners. I'm not telling you not to support the others; they are way ahead...I'm just tired of people who like Trump/Cruz but bash a guy who is a combination of the two of those guys.

I love Paul, unfortunately I seem to be the only one, he doesn't get any support. He needs to practice showmanship and BSing to attract support and of course sell his soul for lobby money. The cheaper his sells his soul, the more money he will get, the better candidate that he will be.

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