Dating Single Moms

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 22, 2015
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Lawton, OK
We need to go back to cave man times. The good ole days when all a cave man had to do for the affection of a cave woman was to beat his chest and grunt, beat all rivals, clock a woman on the head and drag her to his man cave and make cave babies


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 17, 2009
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Southern OK
I have dated single Moms before and some were great people just not right for me. Others, well there was a good reason they were single, like the ones just looking for someone to take care of the kids since baby daddy isn't in the picture. Last one i dated for about six months then she said i had to either sell my guns or lose her. I am no great prize but wasn't about to sell my guns.

Similar story here with my first wife. When we married I had just moved off base and into an apartment so had literally nothing to my name except my uniforms, my truck and a few civilian clothes. First time we went home I gathered up a few things I knew I would need which included 2 rifles and a shotgun for hunting in Utah where I was stationed at the time.

She evidently didn't see them as they were loaded into the truck and tucked behind the seat for safe travel wrapped in blankets. Upon arrival and unpacking, she "became aware" of their presence and quite emphatically made the statement that she "would not sleep in a house with guns". I looked at her with what must have been the most puzzled face in the world and said, "I understand and I'm sorry you feel that way." Stood the guns in the corner of the closet, walked to the bed and pulled off the blanket and her pillow and handed them to her. Now she had the puzzled look on her face and asked, "What's this?". My response, "We're in Utah and it gets cold on the porch. I want to make sure you are as comfortable out there as you can be because these guns are NOT going out into the weather."

We had other disagreements over the next 20 years we were married but never over the guns.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
And here I thought we were going to have a high octane, contentious thread on strippers.

Speaking of strippers, I worked with a really nice guy who had this "thing" for naughty, young girls who could hang upside down on poles. He found one he thought was a keeper, and started sinking TONS of money and time into their "relationship". I tried to tell him ... but ...

Anyway, after about six months he commented to me that she only wanted to spend time with him if he was spending money or her and her kids, or if she needed something fixed. I told him that when I was a bartender that is what we would call "a clue". I don't think he ever saw he again after that. He didn't stop going to the pole dances, just changed venues ... lol

I wonder what that old coot it up to now. You guys make me miss some of the fellas I used to work and shoot with.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Speaking of strippers, I worked with a really nice guy who had this "thing" for naughty, young girls who could hang upside down on poles. He found one he thought was a keeper, and started sinking TONS of money and time into their "relationship". I tried to tell him ... but ...

Anyway, after about six months he commented to me that she only wanted to spend time with him if he was spending money or her and her kids, or if she needed something fixed. I told him that when I was a bartender that is what we would call "a clue". I don't think he ever saw he again after that. He didn't stop going to the pole dances, just changed venues ... lol

I wonder what that old coot it up to now. You guys make me miss some of the fellas I used to work and shoot with.

Something tells me you need to spend more time hanging out with people like me. We still might do the shooting, but the conversational topics might be a bit different.


Special Hen
Jan 12, 2010
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And I would emphatically state that you never really know someone until you are married to them.

I agree, it will not happen until you make that, hopefully, life long commitment. My wife and I really did not know each other very well, but we both were committed. Now 49 + years later we are still very happy together.


Special Hen
Apr 29, 2010
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Man, due to some mistakes on both parties, my wife and I split up for about 18 months. I dated a lot but never could date anyone with kids. At the time, I only had my daughter and refused to even open the door for the chance of spending time with another man's kid more than my own. The few I met with kids, wanted to bring them around way too soon so I got out of that situation quick. And I never let a single one of them meet my daughter. I'd definetely say make sure your feelings for her are legit before you meet the kids.

I ended up dating a single mother after the fact, who also happened to be my ex wife, but we are happily married again. So i guess i did kinda date a single mom and it worked out pretty well


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
If the "baby daddy" is in the picture at all, then I vote a resounding "NO." He can make your life absolutely miserable until the youngest child turns 18, and possibly for years afterward (think weddings, birthdays, holidays, etc.).

And yes, this is from personal experience. However, it's your call...
I'm learning this lesson now. My first wife was a single mom with a 6 yo son but the daddy was non existent and life was good.
Now I'm dating another single mom (been with her 1 year) and there are 2 boys ages 4-5 and daddy is a control freak from hell making her life miserable and mine as well. Daddy is a drunk and has joint custody. He's oilfield trash and has the boys every 2 weeks when hes on days off, then he leaves for his hitch and she has them 2 weeks. She is about to go back to court for full custody so I am waiting to see how that plays out but its a very hard decision for me to have to make cause she is such a great woman. I'm hoping she gets custody for the boys sake. He's a rig manager and makes good money so he will likely pay through the nose if she gets FC which would allow her to cut het hours to be with the boys more. Currently she works 2 jobs.
Shes 15 years younger than me and I am battling the idea of raising two toddlers at my age but thats a different story.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
Something tells me you need to spend more time hanging out with people like me. We still might do the shooting, but the conversational topics might be a bit different.

Mr. Miller, I adore you but your wife is MUCH better company.:bolt: :giveup::rotflmao: Besides, you'd get frustrated trying to set me on the straight and narrow. :mosh::hey3:I'm perfectly happy just the way I am, knowing full well I am not everyone's cup of tea. :bighug:

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