How should CCW person handle a situation like this???

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Special Hen Banned
Jun 5, 2021
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I think your safety is a given PROTECT yourself also feel if someone is trying to take one of the few things you have worked your tail off for and they want it just because they want it!! you should have the right to protect your belongings also.
Might want to review LTC training first. Be sure what is OK action to take.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Scenario 1: Situational awareness is critical. So are threat assessment and managing unknown contacts. I see that guy milling around looking suspect and I'm not approaching him. I'd probably either stay in the car with my doors locked, or keep my car between us and observe. Is he possibly armed? What's the apparent physical disparity? Avoiding the altercation is the best defense. If he gets inside your defenses for some reason, already have a plan. If that plan fails, have a secondary plan. If that plan fails, have a tertiary plan.

She had multiple opportunities to avoid or mitigate the unwanted contact. Once she was being grappled and then down is too late to be trying to draw a gun, because the likelihood of a takeaway is too great while he's still on her. The second he turns away from her and moves off, the threat is greatly reduced. He's already assaulted her once, so getting up and moving towards him is a really bad idea, unless she has a child in her car. If that's the case, yes get up/draw and issue verbal commands. Loudly alert others to call 911 because you've been attacked and your child is in danger. Only shoot if he makes it absolutely necessary.

Scenario 2: Call 911 and be a good witness, while preparing to defend yourself if necessary by seeking cover and reducing the risk to yourself. You have no idea whether this is a domestic dispute, a stranger attacking her or an undercover officer trying to apprehend her. By the time you could've physically intervened, he was moving away from her anyway. Now if she'd screamed that her child was in the car, you're going to have to make a choice as to whether you're going to play hero or not. Just know that there are a LOT of potential pitfalls there and act accordingly.

Matt Giroux

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 29, 2020
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Scenario 2: Call 911 and be a good witness, while preparing to defend yourself if necessary by seeking cover and reducing the risk to yourself. You have no idea whether this is a domestic dispute, a stranger attacking her or an undercover officer trying to apprehend her. By the time you could've physically intervened, he was moving away from her anyway. Now if she'd screamed that her child was in the car, you're going to have to make a choice as to whether you're going to play hero or not. Just know that there are a LOT of potential pitfalls there and act accordingly.
This is the thing i hate about these videos and "What would you do scenarios" it all depends on the full context and what facts are presented within that moment, I've been in a few "dangerous" altercations and have friends whose line of work have placed them in a lot of these scenarios. The one thing we can agree on is that each scenario is unique and therefore your personal response will also be unique, physical violence may be the perfect answer to scenario A but not B even though the two scenarios share similarities.


Special Hen
Nov 25, 2020
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This is the thing i hate about these videos and "What would you do scenarios" it all depends on the full context and what facts are presented within that moment, I've been in a few "dangerous" altercations and have friends whose line of work have placed them in a lot of these scenarios. The one thing we can agree on is that each scenario is unique and therefore your personal response will also be unique, physical violence may be the perfect answer to scenario A but not B even though the two scenarios share similarities.
Amen well said


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
Don't know what YMMV means, but best of luck to you.

I've seen someone's skull cracked on the pavement and their brain spilling out with the blood. I've seen life leave them before you could hear the sirens on the ambulance.

If it was a loved one, after he had body slammed her and bent over her I would have killed him. It's as simple as that. There is no use in mincing any words about it.

I would not wait for him to pick her up again or for him to bend over her and stick a knife into her liver, or drop a knee on her chest and break her spine. I don't need to see his hands. I'm not in LE anymore. I don't need to issue any verbal commands or warnings. I don't need to know if he's mentally ill or on drugs. I wouldn't care about any of that. He's made his intent known, and I would be in desperate fear of death or great bodily injury to my loved one. I've thought it over. I thought it over for a very long time while I was in LE. It isn't a talisman. I'm not going to threaten anyone with it. If it gets to the point that I as a private citizen feel like me or a loved one is in danger of death or great bodily harm it's going to come out smoking. That's scenario #1.

Scenario #2 is entirely a different situation.

Matt Giroux

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 29, 2020
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O yea and don't fire till you see the whites of there eyes. meaning make sure you are in eminent danger hate all these stories of people shot in the back as they are running away.
They got a guy in Florida for that, thug comes after him victim goes down and draws, bad guy then backs up and turns to run, victim shoots him in the side and back as he was turning away then got charged with manslaughter

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