US intelligence indicates Russia preparing operation to justify invading

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Oct 9, 2012
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The ones that say we made that promise are basing it off something James Baker said, not any official agreement but here is what Gorby said about it. Yes I trust him more t5han Baker.

"In a 2014 interview, Gorbachev said as much: “The topic of ‘NATO expansion’ was never discussed. It was not raised in those years.”

A pretty good read on the subject.

Well, for the sake of argument, let's say Gorby's correct.

Adding 14 countries and expanding NATO nearly 1000 miles would still be cause for concern to Russia.

Adding Ukraine to that list would be pouring gas on a fire.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Well, for the sake of argument, let's say Gorby's correct.

Adding 14 countries and expanding NATO nearly 1000 miles would still be cause for concern to Russia.

Adding Ukraine to that list would be pouring gas on a fire.
Especially since one of the pipelines Russia uses to move gas to Europe passes thru Ukraine, and Ukraine has the big shipyard Russia uses to build aircraft carriers, etc.

Sad part this is mostly the US's fault. We are the idiots that talked Ukraine into giving up it's nukes and long range weapons. We even paid to destroy them.


Special Hen
Jul 27, 2018
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Keep telling yourself that. Ukraine has been in the works to join NATO for awhile now and Russia has made no moves to attack the rest of NATO. The troops are being moved to try and deter Russia from invading Ukraine but probably will not work.
You said the troops were being deployed to defend Ukraine. They are not being deployed to Ukraine, they are being deployed to NATO member states. If those deployments help deter an attack on Ukraine, so be it. I’m no Biden fan at all, but I find it funny that if Trump were in office and this was happening, many here and in conservative media circles would be promoting how tough on Russia he was being rather than criticizing him. WW2 started because we tried to appease Hitler while he slowly conquered Europe. Would any of you sit back and like to see that happen again?

We can’t let what is happening in Ukraine deter our focus from China, however. That is the REAL enemy right now. Many in our government are financial prostitutes to China though and won’t do jack $h!t about them. Glenn Beck spoke yesterday about how China helped Elaine Chao (Mitch McConnell's wife) get her family’s shipping business going through financing by Chinese banks. The Chinese consulate general in NY rung the opening bell of the NASDAQ a few days ago. No one in the US government is doing anything to stand up to China and THAT is what people should be up in arms about.


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Oct 9, 2012
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You said the troops were being deployed to defend Ukraine. They are not being deployed to Ukraine, they are being deployed to NATO member states. If those deployments help deter an attack on Ukraine, so be it. I’m no Biden fan at all, but I find it funny that if Trump were in office and this was happening, many here and in conservative media circles would be promoting how tough on Russia he was being rather than criticizing him. WW2 started because we tried to appease Hitler while he slowly conquered Europe. Would any of you sit back and like to see that happen again?

You are spot on with that comment - as sad as it is. So-called conservatives would be cheerleading the Donald if he was raping a goat.

As for the last two sentences of that paragraph, would Europe be better off if Hitler had allowed the Soviets to rule it all?

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
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Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
I believe a blind eye will fall on both. Taiwan will fall just like Ukraine. And there will be nothing but strong words to show for indifference.
I think everyone knows Communist China is flexing it's newly required POWER! Thanks to us and the rest of the civilized world, buying counterfit JUNK made with slave labor, the last 50 years, they are now the undisputed number two ecnomic power on earth! This is not the poor Chinese people, but the Communist Party! Money is POWER, and Communist China is using it to take control of everything they can! Buying, taking over, land, and resources, all over the world including here, they have started in the last year, since OUR OVER-TROUGH to openly take control of Venezuela's VAST OIL RESERVES, THE LARGEST PROVEN CRUDE OIL RESERVES ON EARTH, AS WELL AS HUGE DEPOSITS OF MINERALS, INCLUDING GOLD! The poor people of Venezuela are powerless to protest, they have been BROKEN BY, 20 YEARS OF UTOPIAN COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST RULE, AND FEAR OF GOVERNMENT SECRET POLICE!! I could go on , but no one would read all that, the bottom line is, was Venezuela a test run for what happened here in November of 2020, that was called the fairest election in our history? I think this was a well planned, and executed, Communist Chinese Military Intelligence Operation, just like the take over of Venezuela was, and was so well planned, and executed, that half the U.S. population still don't know what happened, and the other half still think THEY WON? The next few months should tell, the Russia/Ukraine is just a diversion, I think? When Communist China takes over Taiwan, something they would have done long ago if not for fear of U.S. intervention, knowing they have a PUPPET REGIME IN THE WHITE HOUSE, AND MANY ON BOTH SIDES IN CONGRESS, and we will not do anything but talk tough for a few days. we will all know for sure what is happening here! DID YOU KNOW THAT TAIWAN MANUFACTURES 80% OF THE WORLDS MICRO CHIPS, USED IN EVERYTHING FROM HOME APPLIANCES,TO ALL HIGH TECH WEAPON'S SYSTEMS? THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF THAT! GOOD LUCK TO US! President Trump had to go, for this plan to succeed, see what I mean Vern? ALL THREE of the Kennedy boys were KILLED because they wouldn't play ball!


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Special Hen Banned Supporter
Aug 13, 2016
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I think this is all BS to justify putting dudes on the ground somewhere. joe needs something to make him relevant...kinda like his little op last night whacking some dude nobody heard he's a warrior, and got a bunch of little kids and women skadooshed in the process.

CNN reported on his call to the Ukrainian president and then pulled it ...makes joe and our policy makers look like BS artists and wamongers.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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I think everyone knows Communist China is flexing it's newly required POWER! Thanks to us and the rest of the civilized world, buying counterfit JUNK made with slave labor, the last 50 years, they are now the undisputed number two ecnomic power on earth! This is not the poor Chinese people, but the Communist Party! Money is POWER, and Communist China is using it to take control of everything they can! Buying, taking over, land, and resources, all over the world including here, they have started in the last year, since OUR OVER-TROUGH to openly take control of Venezuela's VAST OIL RESERVES, THE LARGEST PROVEN CRUDE OIL RESERVES ON EARTH, AS WELL AS HUGE DEPOSITS OF MINERALS, INCLUDING GOLD! The poor people of Venezuela are powerless to protest, they have been BROKEN BY, 20 YEARS OF UTOPIAN COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST RULE, AND FEAR OF GOVERNMENT SECRET POLICE!! I could go on , but no one would read all that, the bottom line is, was Venezuela a test run for what happened here in November of 2020, that was called the fairest election in our history? I think this was a well planned, and executed, Communist Chinese Military Intelligence Operation, just like the take over of Venezuela was, and was so well planned, and executed, that half the U.S. population still don't know what happened, and the other half still think THEY WON? The next few months should tell, the Russia/Ukraine is just a diversion, I think? When Communist China takes over Taiwan, something they would have done long ago if not for fear of U.S. intervention, knowing they have a PUPPET REGIME IN THE WHITE HOUSE, AND MANY ON BOTH SIDES IN CONGRESS, and we will not do anything but talk tough for a few days. we will all know for sure what is happening here! DID YOU KNOW THAT TAIWAN MANUFACTURES 80% OF THE WORLDS MICRO CHIPS, USED IN EVERYTHING FROM HOME APPLIANCES,TO ALL HIGH TECH WEAPON'S SYSTEMS? THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF THAT! GOOD LUCK TO US! President Trump had to go, for this plan to succeed, see what I mean Vern? ALL THREE of the Kennedy boys were KILLED because they wouldn't play ball!
Your caps game is strong.



Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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You said the troops were being deployed to defend Ukraine. They are not being deployed to Ukraine, they are being deployed to NATO member states. If those deployments help deter an attack on Ukraine, so be it. I’m no Biden fan at all, but I find it funny that if Trump were in office and this was happening, many here and in conservative media circles would be promoting how tough on Russia he was being rather than criticizing him. WW2 started because we tried to appease Hitler while he slowly conquered Europe. Would any of you sit back and like to see that happen again?

We can’t let what is happening in Ukraine deter our focus from China, however. That is the REAL enemy right now. Many in our government are financial prostitutes to China though and won’t do jack $h!t about them. Glenn Beck spoke yesterday about how China helped Elaine Chao (Mitch McConnell's wife) get her family’s shipping business going through financing by Chinese banks. The Chinese consulate general in NY rung the opening bell of the NASDAQ a few days ago. No one in the US government is doing anything to stand up to China and THAT is what people should be up in arms about.
Have people forgotten how to see the big picture? You are mostly correct but the troops ARE there as a threat to Russia if they invade Ukraine. They may provide anti-aircraft or missile defense but they are there to help protect Ukraine. Also, point out a place I said it was a wrong move. I totally agree with defending Ukraine even if we have to provide air cover. I just think Biden will screw it up and get some of our people killed for nothing. Oh and if Trump was in office this would not be happening.

I also agree we need to keep and eye on China as Russia moving on Ukraine would be a perfect time for China to invade Taiwan. We should also be watching Iran as all three have be doing joint military maneuvers and seem to have some kind of pact.

Can you just picture if Russia invades Ukraine, China invades Taiwan, and Iran launches missile at Israel or Saudi Arabia? Biden would not know whether to crap or go blind.

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