Question Regarding Armed Resource Officers

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Honey Badger

Special Hen
Oct 28, 2008
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Ponca City
You were the one claiming the "not a physician" position. You may feel free to block me for offending you by drawing a logical conclusion and giving it a plain label. Before you go, I will note your positive actions and attitude in finding a cost-effective solution. Meanwhile, have a fine summer!
No I won’t block you for an honest response. It really mirrors the typical OSA attitude. You’re beheading the messenger. Without training I am not as effective as an EMT, or Health care assistant as you are at something you have never been trained to do. Snyde, snippy remarks only prove that there are those on this site that would argue with a brick. Like I said before, I am perfectly willing to do what I have to do keep my students safe, and alive of needs be. But I’m not a doctor. I’m not an EMT. I’m not a school nurse. My efforts would be of very little consequence to one the has just had a bullet rip through their little body. Doesn't mean I wouldn’t try. Ohhhh and I will enjoy my summer break. Thank you.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 26, 2009
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As a retired po po let me give you my opinion. First of all, the whole problem isn't a gun problem or a school security problem. It is a cultural problem.

There have been guns in and around schools for all of history, but shooting elementary kids is a recent phenomena. Our culture of zero shame and zero stigma of abhorrent behavior leads to all the weird ******** that is going on right now, to include the mass shootings. Tolerate immoral crap and you get trash people doing trash activities.

Having said all of that, having school resource officers in every school is a huge waste of resources. Most schools don't need them and the SRO's tend to end up being the lazy, lame or worthless officer that gets stuck there because it keeps them away from everyone else. The Parklane officer is a perfect example of this.

The best way to be able to react to these events is to have teachers armed if they choose and to make it a local police policy to drop in on schools when an opportunity exists for a few minutes, rather than keep an officer sitting on his ass all day there doing nothing.

Honey Badger

Special Hen
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City
As a retired po po let me give you my opinion. First of all, the whole problem isn't a gun problem or a school security problem. It is a cultural problem.

There have been guns in and around schools for all of history, but shooting elementary kids is a recent phenomena. Our culture of zero shame and zero stigma of abhorrent behavior leads to all the weird ******** that is going on right now, to include the mass shootings. Tolerate immoral crap and you get trash people doing trash activities.

Having said all of that, having school resource officers in every school is a huge waste of resources. Most schools don't need them and the SRO's tend to end up being the lazy, lame or worthless officer that gets stuck there because it keeps them away from everyone else. The Parklane officer is a perfect example of this.

The best way to be able to react to these events is to have teacher armed if they choose and to make it a local police policy to drop in on schools when an opportunity exists for a few minutes, rather than keep an officer sitting on his ass all day there doing nothing.
Yes but this makes perfect sense. It is logical. It is well thought out. The OKSDE would never consider it because it would be too effective. Ohhh and the trolls will be along in a minute to argue wit your honest response.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Banned Supporter
Aug 13, 2016
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No I won’t block you for an honest response. It really mirrors the typical OSA attitude. You’re beheading the messenger. Without training I am not as effective as an EMT, or Health care assistant as you are at something you have never been trained to do. Snyde, snippy remarks only prove that there are those on this site that would argue with a brick. Like I said before, I am perfectly willing to do what I have to do keep my students safe, and alive of needs be. But I’m not a doctor. I’m not an EMT. I’m not a school nurse. My efforts would be of very little consequence to one the has just had a bullet rip through their little body. Doesn't mean I wouldn’t try. Ohhhh and I will enjoy my summer break. Thank you.
I get it, and I agree. We actually almost all do that, and I'm thinking more along the lines that we aren't communicating as effectively as if we were in person. Pecking out responses tend to be very blunt, cold, and snide...I'm as guilty of it as the next guy. Sometimes I really mean it, but in this conversation, if it came off like that, it wasn't meant that way.
However, I think that as individuals getting any kind of training on your own or through private instruction is well worth it and one shouldn't wait for a blessing from a school district or any other authority. It would apply in any scenario from a range, to a store, to a restaurant, or to a school/church, or even your own home.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Now this is a fine example of a truly adult group of people having a meaningful conversation about a very sensitive topic with everyone chiming in in an attempt to solve an antisocial behavior problem. I have fully enjoyed the banter between the mutual "combatants".

Mr @JEVapa hit the nail on the head by recognizing and stating,
we aren't communicating as effectively as if we were in person. Pecking out responses tend to be very blunt, cold, and snide...I'm as guilty of it as the next guy. Sometimes I really mean it, but in this conversation, if it came off like that, it wasn't meant that way.

All of us here realize the problem is not the choice of weapons these disgusting people use, it is the mental illness and as stated, lack of morality that the media, the justice system, the lack of religious influences and the political theater have fostered, We are now reaping what we have sown.

Couple all of the above with the flat out nationwide cheating to the presidency, and the lack of accountability from our courts and alphabet agencies, and we have a perfect storm for cowardly nutjobs to decide to murder themselves and take as many of us with them as possible.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2021
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Excellent and well-informed response. Shortly before my retirement from Tulsa Technology Center in early 2020, a "Stop the Bleed" class was taught by a Tulsa County deputy who is an on-campus LEO contracted by Tulsa Tech with the TCSO. It was a well-done class and very informative about the equipment in the kits with specific practice on proper usage for penetrating wounds. I'm a former EMT from way back so I was interested to see how the skills were taught and what the kits contained. Every emergency cabinet with a Automatic Emergency Defibrillator now also has a Stop the Bleed kit. It is the height of living in denial, combined with a "not my job, man" attitude, to avoid being a responsible human being.
I trust the positive intent of HoneyBadger and very much appreciate her comment. I know you are being honest and willing to go to the mat for our children that are in your care and I appreciate you.

There are, however, other Oklahoma educators that are very vitriolic in their social media responses. This is why I make no assumptions and ask questions first to determine if there is an issue or gap to address.
I get a lot of that "not my job and you can't make me" response from folks when asking rational questions that are read into and imply things I did not say. This was especially true from teachers commenting on the FB page for Ryan Walters. I got the sense they prefer memorials for dead children than implementing effective, rational, and immediate school defense plans stating that they will NEVER defend their classroom with evil guns. I understand this is any emotional response from the loud ones among them, but I saw absolutely no pushback from educators to their comments nor support for any action other than to fight any solution other than unrealistic demands to disarm us of all "assault rifles". These people are supposedly educators that lack the ability to separate documented fact from their emotional fiction. I completely understand that emotions will run high, but I respectfully asked for their suggestions on an effective plan and was attacked by them. I was not expecting this sort of discourse from educators in Oklahoma. I know my audience when I speak and assume they are rational and willing to focus on a solution, but found they are more interested in defending their biases. This is not good. It is not my intent to ruffle their Rhubarb, but sometimes it is unavoidable.

So what I have learned is that we do have trained SRO's. That is a great start, but only a part of a comprehensive school safety plan. This is all just my opinion and perspective. Prevention, response, and treatment of casualties are a common sense approach regarding planning, training, and assessment through exercise drills. Just as I approach being prepared for combat, I approach any serious threat in this manner and so should we all. This is not a political or feelings issue. The destruction of the intact family that includes both parents present is one of the root causes, in my opinion. Until that is addressed, I expect even more of this evil in the future for which we must be prepared. I sense that some educators feel threatened by concerned citizens weighing in and "muscling in" on their domain. That is not the case. Yelling and screaming at each other in emotional rants does nothing to address this critical threat.

Not sure if some educators are aware, but they may have to get out of their comfort zone to effectively address the current threat. No one is forcing them to be armed and I doubt they ever will be, but I take serious issue with any that would actively attempt to prevent those that would voluntarily do so. I expected a much more mature and measured response from them and I understand many that are rational remain silent out of fear of being targeted by peers in their profession. Now is not the time to be silent with an issue as serious as this. It requires a respectful and mature debate focused on an effective solution.

What Deborah Gist is recommending? More studies. Well I have some news for her. Those studies have been done after Sandy Hook. How is that for leadership? All of her critiques have been effectively addressed in many school districts, but she is still at square one. That tells me she has done absolutely nothing since being appointed back in 2015. This is a serious leadership failure and should be immediately addressed. Will it? Most likely not. Some people must be dragged kicking and screaming into reality and forced to be accountable to the citizens of Tulsa when rational questions are asked, but she choses to air her emotional rant in public social media to attack Ryan Walters. This is unacceptable.

They may not like my next questions. I would like to review the active shooter response plan, the criteria for evaluation of that response, and the results of those evaluations. At this time, I have received the policies, and guidance from Jon Parker, Director of School Safety for the state of Oklahoma. I am reviewing them now and will post relevant documents to this thread with comment.

As a senior military leader, we always held after action reviews to identify issues and propagate what we learned to all forces. We are in a war against evil and I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. Half measures do not cut it and we continue to pay the price of this folly in the blood of our children. I will not rehash what we already know about the politicization of proposed responses as we, in the firearms community, already have a superior command of the facts.

To educators, I recommend you consider asking some questions of yourselves and your leadership:

How comfortable and confident am I in treating casualties? A single school nurse most likely will not be enough to address the possibility of a mass casualty event.

Am I willing to be trained?

Should I be looking for another job? (serious question if one is unwilling to be prepared)

I remain willing and able to volunteer any support to address this situation not only in Tulsa, but the state of Oklahoma.

JEVapa, I appreciate your experienced and articulate response. As a Tier I veteran operator, you did not disappoint. Thanks for stepping up, brother! If there is a training gap in the medical response that is identified, this is a great step in the right direction and a fine start to an effective solution. Let me know if I can be of any assistance in any way.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2021
Reaction score
I'll ping a couple buddies of mine that are doing civilian courses and see what they can do or if they have POCs here.
I will research free programs if budgets are the issue. I know they are out there. I think it is imperative that schools are ready and trained to respond and are equipped to do so. I am thinking at a minimum, blowout kits that include torniquets, hemostatic dressings, ACE wraps, pressure bandages, and gauze for packing, and of course, duck tape. Basically an IFAK with some supplemental items to restore the airway and augment breathing. I went through the combat lifesaver course when I was with 7th ID(L) on an LRSD team (PSC3 Radioman) and also certified as an EMT about 20 years ago and have taken some supplemental training to update skills about four years ago. Much has changed since I retired from the army and I am impressed with current standards.

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