11-Yr-Old Suspended From School For Merely TALKING About Guns

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Special Hen
Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
Time to wake up folks. This is not some stupid decision by an administrator. This is a strategic part of a master plan - part of a long term strategy to change the culture in America by brain washing the most vulnerable, our children, to associate firearms with violence. That is why you hear more and more stories like this. Soon it will be so common it won't even make the news anymore. We are being slowly conditioned to accept it as normal. This should be able national outrage but instead, it barely even generate a buzz in firearm forums

Less than a generation ago our culture was such that schools taught responsible firearm handling. Many schools allowed children to carry the target rifles to school on the buss and walk down the halls with their target rifles slung over their shoulders on their way to the school target shooting range. We were taught our history: Firearms = Freedom + independence + Protection + Sport.

Now schools teach: Firearms = Murder + death + crime

Once these children grow up brainwashed with the Propaganda they are being taught in the political indoctrination camps our schools have become, the Second Amendment will be as good as gone. Once that's out of the way, Syria style crackdowns on peaceful protesters will be possible without the Syria style threat of revolt against Tyranny.

The protections afforded us in the Bill of Rights require all Ten Amendments. Each one protects the one preceding it. There are only two left, soon there will be only one, then none.

Ask any Shepard, once all the sheep have been dehorned, they are much easier and safer to sheer. Sure, they're more vulnerable to predators without their horns, but their fear of predators is an even bigger benefit because they become completely dependent on the Shepard for safety and in turn easier to control.
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Special Hen
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
Time to wake up folks. This is not some stupid decision by an administrator. This is a strategic part of a master plan - part of a long term strategy to change the culture in America by brain washing the most vulnerable, our children, to associate firearms with violence. That is why you hear more and more stories like this. Soon it will be so common it won't even make the news anymore. We are being slowly conditioned to accept it as normal. This should be able national outrage but instead, it barely even generate a buzz in firearm forums

Less than a generation ago our culture was such that schools taught responsible firearm handling. Many schools allowed children to carry the target rifles to school on the buss and walk down the halls with their target rifles slung over their shoulders on their way to the school target shooting range. We were taught our history: Firearms = Freedom + independence + Protection + Sport.

Now schools teach: Firearms = Murder + death + crime

Once these children grow up brainwashed with the Propaganda they are being taught in the political indoctrination camps our schools have become, the Second Amendment will be as good as gone. Once that's out of the way, Syria style crackdowns on peaceful protesters will be possible without the Syria style threat of revolt against Tyranny.

The protections afforded us in the Bill of Rights require all Ten Amendments. Each one protects the one preceding it. There are only two left, soon there will be only one, then none.

Ask any Shepard, once all the sheep have been dehorned, they are much easier and safer to sheer. Sure, they're more vulnerable to predators without their horns, but their fear of predators is an even bigger benefit because they become completely dependent on the Shepard for safety and in turn easier to control.

This is the biggest fear honestly. Our children & grandchildren growing up in a society like that.


Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
West OKC
I don't know about y'all, but if I had kids right now, I would be doing whatever it takes to keep them out of the government-run education system.

Come on. Everyone should support government employees, be they a school marm or a gun toting deputy. It's for the children. It's always for the children. Gotta keep the children safe and indoctrinated so that the next generation of compliant sheep can reproduce and provide tax livestock for the puppet masters...


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Yep, guess we found out how far you had to go to get the ACLU to defend the second amendment, or are they just defending the first in this case?

While the national ACLU disagrees with the idea of the right to keep and bear arms being an individual right rather than a collective right, they do believe that "particular federal or state laws on licensing, registration, prohibition, or other regulation of the manufacture, shipment, sale, purchase or possession of guns may raise civil liberties questions."

There have been several cases over the years where the state chapters have helped get seized guns returned, joined the NRA in fighting wrongful arrest of unlawful carry in Texas, and even come straight out in support of the Second Amendment as an individual right. The ACLU also opposed universal background checks along with the NRA and Heritage Foundation. They also opposed a bill in 2007 that would have legally kept those merely suspected of being terrorists from buying guns.

The ACLU isn't as bad as some people want you to think. Their main issue with the Second Amendment is the phrase about the militia. People are so blinded by the false Left-vs-Right paradigm that they think because the ACLU tends to lean left they must be evil or because the NRA leans right they must be evil. Shoot... I've heard several preachers refer to them as the "Anti-Christian Liberties Union" over the years, and I know a *lot* of people who will talk one way about an issue and switch once they are shown that the ACLU agrees because that position is "obviously wrong".


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
While the national ACLU disagrees with the idea of the right to keep and bear arms being an individual right rather than a collective right, they do believe that "particular federal or state laws on licensing, registration, prohibition, or other regulation of the manufacture, shipment, sale, purchase or possession of guns may raise civil liberties questions."

There have been several cases over the years where the state chapters have helped get seized guns returned, joined the NRA in fighting wrongful arrest of unlawful carry in Texas, and even come straight out in support of the Second Amendment as an individual right. The ACLU also opposed universal background checks along with the NRA and Heritage Foundation. They also opposed a bill in 2007 that would have legally kept those merely suspected of being terrorists from buying guns.

The ACLU isn't as bad as some people want you to think. Their main issue with the Second Amendment is the phrase about the militia. People are so blinded by the false Left-vs-Right paradigm that they think because the ACLU tends to lean left they must be evil or because the NRA leans right they must be evil. Shoot... I've heard several preachers refer to them as the "Anti-Christian Liberties Union" over the years, and I know a *lot* of people who will talk one way about an issue and switch once they are shown that the ACLU agrees because that position is "obviously wrong".

The ACLU is pretty consistent with their leftist bent on what constitutes a right. I'd say they come down on the same side of an issue with me only a couple of times a year on cases big enough to be publicized. And usually that's only because the overreach of the government was so much that pretty much no one but a few politicians come out on the other side.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
The ACLU is pretty consistent with their leftist bent on what constitutes a right. I'd say they come down on the same side of an issue with me only a couple of times a year on cases big enough to be publicized. And usually that's only because the overreach of the government was so much that pretty much no one but a few politicians come out on the other side.

Would you accept or deny help from the ACLU?
Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Thats criminal infringing on the 1st amendment, here in the sooner state i was freshman class president(2012-2013) and my "council" made sure everyone is a second amendment supporter. And on my FFA trip one of my friends was told he couldnt buy a toy gun by somone who wasnt even present, but i bought AR accessories no one sed nothing 😎👍 i consider that a victory for the 2nd amenment

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