Yeppers been there and did that! They never seem to quit costing you something!!!A boat is a hope in the water you throw money into
Yeppers been there and did that! They never seem to quit costing you something!!!A boat is a hope in the water you throw money into
1.) stored w/ brass drain plug left in, corroded and can't remove it! Boogered it up, tried a little heat, PB blaster, etc. Can't get good leverage on it due to angle/trailer in the way
You are likely going to have to drill it out at this point, or change out the plug/bung altogether.
2.) trailer has 5-plug flat, my truck has 4 plug. running lights work if I plug in the 4 but tail/brake lights do not. Is the 5th plug for the brake lights or for trailer brakes? Trailer has a master cyl on it that seemed to work by inertia but then again I don't have an electric brake controller in my vehicle. Perhaps the tail lights are just burned out bulbs or do I need an adapter from 5-to-4 plug for it all to work? Since I do not have electric brake controller, is it still good? How do I know if the trailer has electric brakes, the tongue seems to move and I KNOW the trailer brakes worked because I had to haul the boat 150 miles to bring it home.
3.) What "freeze plugs" or whatever on the motor/exhaust do I need to check/open/tighten, etc. to make sure this thing is safe to start on the trailer (I bought muffs but haven't tried this yet)
There are typically brass(be careful) plugs on each side of the block, remove them to drain all of the water from the block. I also loosen and pop loose all of the hoses just to be sure all of the water is out of the manifolds.
4.) Bad batteries, had 2 wired in some sort of sequence, I got 2 new ones I'm going to install tonight and hopefully see if everything works...why 2 batteries? It has some battery A/B/ALL switch on it so I guess the batteries power different things?
5.) How to charge batteries if cables are wired together where negative comes off battery 1 and goes to 2, etc...I can provide more details on how it is hooked up later but perhaps someone can tell me why 2 batteries.
6.) Batteries were "Dual purpose RV/Marine" so that is what I replaced them with instead of 1 starting and 1 deep cycle like I'd have suspected should be done in a boat with 2 batteries???
7.) Will "new" 5yr old oil be fine for a trip or two to the lake until I get time/proper tools to change it or is it a MUST to change the oil now?
I think it will be fine for a couple of outings, but I would change it soon.
8.) I was told it was winterized before being put away but I seriously doubt there is anti-freeze in the block and does that work? Are you supposed to do that and then drain it in the spring or what? THIS BOAT WILL NOW BE STORED OUTSIDE FOR AT LEAST A FEW SEASONS (but it came with a factor cover that was never used thankfully).
9.) I want to change the plugs, wires, cap, rotors, etc...can i get Chevy stuff from O'Reilly's or is the Marine stuff different...I think I've determined the plugs are for sure different and there are 3 options listed for that motor on the NGK website (which I have no idea which it is until I pull an old plug). But what about the other stuff...can I run Accel wires and cap/rotor or what?
Yes, some parts are exclusive, but most are just generic to the motor brand, my Volvo Penta is a 350 GM, I match out the parts to GM from the local parts store.
10.) I plan to change the lower unit oil but I'd like to forego this until after I at least get to take the boat out a time or this a must? Can I check the level at least or must I change it since it sat so long?
The typical concern is water in the lower unit oil, in the dozens of times I've changed lower unit oil I've never seen any water, again, run it, then change it.
11.) I have become aware that there is a water pump impeller that needs to be changed out periodically to avoid failure. Is this in the lower unit to on the motor itself like a car? I'd like to wait to do this until this fall
The impeller is in a small housing driven by one of the belts on the motor, easy to change, sometimes hard to get to.
12.) Not sure yet how much 5yr old gas is in the tank, but I poured in a can of seafoam and planned to just top it off w/ fresh 91 octane non-ethanol gas??? Is that okay redneck style? I can't take too long to get this boat ready or my wife will be mad I spent the cash.
I don't typically sweat it about older gas, but 5 years is pretty old, depends how much is in there, but it could make it run pretty crappy, which is worse than delaying taking it out.
12.) What is the proper way to winterize this particular inboard/outboard boat? And what needs to be done in addition to what I've asked above for "de-winterization"?
I drop my lower unit in a very large tub and run the motor up to temp, then use fogging oil in the intake until the motor dies. Drain the water out of the block, and add antifreeze.
13.) What else do I need to look for/check before I attempt to take the family out on the boat for the first time???
Check the control cables, steering, all fluids, test run it before you take it out, don't use "flush muffs", that's the quickest way to kill the impeller. When you take it out don't venture too far from the ramp until you prove that it is running good.
Truer words were never spoken. Sold mine 10 years agoThe best two days of a boat owners life
1. The day you buy it
2. The day you sell it
Good luck man, the are fun sometimes and sometimes you wonder why you still have it